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Garfield statue project getting green lights

A project that started last year to put nine Garfield statues in Grant County Indianna is gaining momentum. The City of Marion has raised the money needed to put the statue up on their riverwalk. Ironically, the statue will depict Garfield in exercise clothes, but stand behind a bakery. Not sure what message the city […]

Watch Your Head slowly taking Boondock’s clientele

Cory Thomas’ new feature couldn’t have come along at a better time. “Watch Your Head” was launched early to take advantage of the Boondock hiatus. According to Black College Wire, Cory has picked up 15 clients since he launched on March 27th. Clients include Chicago Tribune, St. Paul (Minn.) Pioneer Press and Seattle Times. “He […]

Ziggy to advocate for foster families

The month of May is National Foster Care Month and Tom Wilson’s Ziggy is “spokes character” to increase awareness for the need for more foster parents“Ziggy has always been a gentle messenger, bringing people together in a caring and meaningful way. I can think of no message more caring or more meaningful than one which […]

Are today’s comics crossing the line more often?

This story out of the Columbus Dispatch interviews several editors asking if the strips in the funny pages are becoming increasingly more risque. “I have seen . . . a decided tilt toward the outrageous ? risque images and language, name-calling disguised as political satire, oodles of toilet humor and several attempts to slip in […]

The Daily Cartoonist report card

Note to readers: This story will remain at the top of the page for the next little while to direct traffic to the survey. Please scroll down to see newer stories. Today is the last day to take the reader survey. The Daily Cartoonist (TDC) has passed the six month mark, and despite no marketing […]

Pearls Before Swine, after Cathy…maybe

The Capital, Annapolis, Md is dropping Cathy and rolling the dice with Pearls Before Swine. I know you’re probably wondering why an editor who bungled a change in the TV guide would be stupid enough to try this stunt. But this time we’re asking for reader input before making the change permanent. The requests for […]

Post Gazette to poll readers on current comic features

The Post-Gazette has mentioned that later this year they will be polling their subscribers asking which features are worthy to stay and which ones have lost favor. The last time the paper surveyed their readers they received nearly 11,000 replies. The Post-Gazette is also taking Aaron McGruder’s hiatus as an excuse to roll out some […]

Houston Chronicle debuts Prickly City and F Minus

The Houston Chronicle has announced that they are adding two new features to their line up. F Minus, which launched just this month. F Minus is created by Tony Carrillo and takes the place of Boondocks. Kyrie O’Connor, deputy managing editor for features, did not say what would become of F Minus when Boondocks returns. […]

The Manga movement is just beginning

If you often scratch your head and wonder what the fuss is about about Manga, the Ledger (FL) has an interesting story about how teens are not only devouring these japanese comics, but also creating their own. Knight said the manga on which she bases most of her drawings is her favorite, “Host Club.” In […]

Paul Gilligan contemplates move to Hawaii

Paul Gilligan, is contemplating moving to Hawaii or at least spending some serious time there. His feature “Pooch Cafe” was also picked up by the Honolulu Star Bulletin. The two events aren’t directly linked. Our newest Sunday comics section contributor, Paul Gilligan of “Pooch Café,” actually stopped by a couple of months ago, during a […]

Simpsons movie to debut in 2007

Slightly Off-topic. It’s been rumored for quite sometime, then production started, now a release date of July 27, 2007 has been set for the full length animation movie of The Simpsons. A 25 second trailer has been showing in theaters before Ice Age 2. I’ll link to the trailer should it appear online. UPDATE: Looks […]


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