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St. Petersburg creates new online comics page

Petersburg Times had made substantial pages to their comics page adding “Lio”, “Watch Your Head”, “Dog Eat Doug”, “F Minus” and “Peach Fuzz” among others….  What perhaps wasn’t clear to me was this site was a new online comics site that would also feature “Pickles,” “Snapshots,” “Opus,” “Watch Your Head.”

Jeff MacNelly exhibit of Sculpture

From Jim Borgman’s blog comes this pointer to an art exhibit in Virginia that is showcasing Jeff MacNelly’s sculptures that runs May 6th through the 28th in Washington VA.  Visit Jim’s blog for more details.You can see some of the artwork online.

Bob Staake: Most cartoonists can’t draw their way out of a paper bag

In summation, he accuses most cartoonists as failures and the reason why cartooning will never be considered a legitimate art form.The basic nobility of that cause innoculates (for the most part) cartooning against the accusations that it is a vocation filled with practitioners (98% male and white) who couldn’t draw their way out of a paper bag if their life (or their profession) counted on it.Imagine turning on the Olympics and seeing 78% of the figure skaters fall on their asses…. Individual cartoonists deserve respect, but just because they earn it doesn’t mean a positive residue should trickle down upon anyone who puts nib to paper, had a cartoon published in the Anchorage Antler and manages to squeeze into a tux for the National Cartoonists Society Reuben Awards.For cartoonists to believe that respect would be a given when the vast majority of them would fail to push any aesthetic envelope or embrace even a modicum of visual experimentation is as audacious as it is self-delusional.

Lalo Alcaraz issues baby naming contest for illegal immigrants

Lalo Alcaraz, creator of “La Cucaracha” also has a radio show in California which is getting national attention when Lalo advocated a contest for illegal immigrants called “Name Your Baby Lou Dobbs Challenge.”According to the Universal Press Syndicate press release, the challenge is:The challenge is simple enough?the first undocumented immigrant to name their U.S. born child “Lou Dobbs,” before Sept. 16, 2006, will win $500 worth of baby nursery items from participating East Los Angeles merchants supporting the Name Your Baby Lou Dobbs Challenge.

A new and improved(ing) Daily Cartoonist rolls out today

This blog is certainly growing at a fast clip and in an effort to provide you with the features you requested back in early April, I’ve rethought the layout and content of this blog.� I haven’t got rid of any thing (except some advertising) but starting this week, I’ll roll out an events calendar and next Monday will debut the first “In Focus” article – where we take a look at something big happening in the cartooning community.

Bruce MacKinnon wins Atlantic Journalism Award

CNW Telbec:Editorial Cartooning – The gold award winner was Bruce MacKinnon, The Chronicle Herald, Halifax, NS, for his Show Of Work.  – The other finalists in this category were Michael de Adder, The Daily News, Halifax, NS, for his Show Of Work and Greg Perry, Telegraph- Journal, Saint John, NB, for his Show Of Work.

Brian Anderson to give away original artwork in Dog Eat Doug promotion

According to his web site, he is giving away an original framed painting of his characters to one lucky individual who either emails the editor of their newspaper asking them to subscribe to Dog Eat Doug (if the paper doesn’t carry it) or thank the editor for running the feature (if the paper already susbscribes)….  The winner will be randomly selected at the end of this month and announced on his web site.You can see the artwork that will be given away on his web site.

AAEC posts June convention schedule

The Association of American Editorial Cartoonists has posted the schedule and agenda of their annual conference that will be held this June 7-10 in Denver.  The Danish cartoon will dominate two sessions and will also include two national figures: U.S. Sen. Gary Hart (D-Col., 1974-86) and National Public Radio’s Scott Simon.Visit the AAEC for more details.Hat tip to E&P for pointing out the schedule.

NYT reviews “Over the Hedge”

With less than 2 weeks before the public release of Michael Fry and T….  From the New York Times, comes an article that will step you though the history of how RJ made it to the Silver Screen and the challenges that had to be overcome to get the movie to the public.


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