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CSotD: Make another pot of coffee

For those who are time-shifting the Women’s Cup, I’ll simply offer Zapiro’s celebratory cartoon from this past week without further commentary, since Bafana Bafana’s entry into the elimination round has already been played. I’m waiting until I file this to find out how the Americans did against Sweden, which is likely wrapping up now, but […]

Against the Grain – Right Side Editooning

Based on your social media feeds, you might think that political cartoonists are exclusively wild-eyed, merciless critics of former President Donald Trump. But you’d be wrong. Not wrong about political cartoonists being a bunch of wild-eyed, merciless critics, but off-base about political cartoonists being unanimous in their condemnation of Trump. Liberal cartoonist Mike Thompson talks […]

Short Takes From the Past Week

Bob Staake, Mick Stevens, Paul Karasik, Max Fleischer, Peanuts, and The Nib. ********** Staake has publicly rejected the idea that he has a “style” — his works are too different, he says, his way too experimental. But every piece in the show, he admits, looks like a Bob Staake. “There’s something hiding in the background,” […]

CSotD: The Ladies, God Bless’em

My hip replacement has had the pleasant timing to have occurred during the Women’s World Cup. While I’m still pushing my walker around the apartment, I have had the chance to watch a lot of soccer, or, as Stephen Collins and three-quarters of the rest of the world would call it, football. Unlike Brian, I […]

Cartoonist Bill Messner-Loebs Fundraiser

Bill Messner-Loebs’s work in comics was beloved by fans for many years, but the circumstances of his life—illness and injuries—have conspired to make things financially quite difficult. Recently out of the hospital, Bill and his wife are now facing eviction. You can read the brutal details of his medical and legal situation in his own […]

Jim Adcock – RIP

Publisher, cartoonist, artist Jim Adcock has passed away. James Bentley (Jim) Adcock June 12, 1948 – July 19, 2023 From the obituary: Jim said he could not remember a time when he didn’t want to be an artist. Though he had the brains and heart to conquer any discipline, he had scores of stories about […]

CSotD: The Cruel War Rages

Patrick Blower cites the new Civil War, in which a divided country rages around a vestige of the old Civil War. As noted here before, it was much easier when we had a geographical division based, for the most part, on a single, definable issue. Even then, there were as many quarrels over why we […]

Well, Not the Kitchen Sink

It’s throw it out there Thursday – a gathering of gleanings. Editoons v. Memes; Newspaper Troubles; Battling Book Banners; and what your heirs will do with all those comics. EDITORIAL CARTOONS ARE NOT MEMES! Graeme MacKay, “One of the last staff editorial cartoonists still slogging away at a daily newspaper,” discusses the difference between editorial […]

And in the end…

The end of August will see the end of The Nib. But you can still give some love to The Nib cartoonists. Before The Nib closes down at the end of August, we are putting our sticker packs back on sale in the store one last time. We have a 5 pack featuring a Nib […]

CSotD: We move on to further action

Paul Noth having summed up the Nov 24 election, we move on to further action, later in the game. That phrase is a bit of nostalgia for fans of the Notre Dame Football Replay that aired on Sundays and depleted attendance at the 10:30 Mass. They had to fit it into the time slot, so […]

Wayback Whensday: The Pulitzers of Kirby

Unlike the 2020s The Pulitzers had an Editorial Cartooning category in the 1920s. Rollin Kirby took three of the first seven Pulitzers awarded in that journalism division. The inaugural honor went to Rollin Kirby, who worked for an array of New York newspapers and magazines. He won the award for his depiction of the victims […]

CSotD: The Process-Server Always Rings Twice

Ann Telnaes was out of the gate quickly as the indictments were announced, largely because she’d been following the story since it began and was able to repurpose an Oldie-but-Goodie. This is not to say that she anticipated the co-conspirators: Of these, only Giuliani was indicted. But she echoes a commentary also advanced by Adam […]

Some More Newspaper Comics (some not)

Nope, don’t like it. Don’t like it a bit. Before last month gets too far away let’s bring up the major change to a comic strip in July. On July 10 Vic Lee changed the lettering font for his Pardon My Planet panel. Above left is the July 8, 2023 issue; above right is the […]

CSotD: Funny pages aren’t always funny

Grand Avenue (AMS) marks a cultural change that has often sent me digging through the memory banks. I suppose the sign might have been when the streetlights came on, and it’s possible, since they were more likely set to a specific time rather than light actuated, which would have sent us straight home from the […]

NCS Reuben Award Playbill Art & Ad Call

The National Cartoonists Society has issued a notice for ads in their 2023 Reuben Journal and Banquet Playbill noting the deadline for booking space in the program is August 7, 2023. Your ad will be included in the official Reuben Awards Playbill Magazine – with a feature on every nominee – which will be given […]


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