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Zits features an easter egg (and not the kind delivered by a bunny)

Yesterday’s Zits had an easter egg. Not a real Easter egg, but a hidden novelty known only to Jim Borgman.  The strip featured Jeremy and his dad, Walter. Walter is wearing a t-shirt that says “Nutter Fort” in the first panel, “West Virginia” in the third and back to “Nutter Fort” in the last.  A Charleston Gazette reporter got Jim on the phone to figure what the special message was.

Green Bay Press-Gazette – Frogs, butterflies raise $67,000 for Einstein Project

Back in April and June, I posted stories about editorial cartoonist Joe Heller’s participation in a fund raiser for the Einstein Project.  The project involved 40 artists who decorated statues of butterflies, frogs and beetles that would be placed in several locations throughout Green Bay and later auctioned off.  Last Tuesday the auction was held and Joe’s butterfly fetched $3,700 – the third highest for the evening.

Cartoons and Cocktails event happens tomorrow

The National Press Club’s Cartoons and Cocktails fundraiser will be tomorrow night. The annual event raises money for the Ellen Masin Persina scholarship (help fund the first year of college study for a needy high school student), Young D.C. (training opportunities and hands-on experience with news media) and Cartoonists Rights Network (devoted to helping editorial cartoonists who face censorship, imprisonment, intimidation or death for their commentary).

Dick Tracy Museum is running out of money

With all the recent celebratory events and commemorations of the comic Dick Tracy‘s 75 year anniversary, one would be surprised to read that the Gould family has told the Woodstock City Council that the museum is in need of donations to keep the doors open. The museum draws 4,000 to 7,000 visitors a year and has an operating budget of $40,000. The Gould family contributes the lion share of the financial support, but requires $25,000 in annual donations to operate.  With a recognizable brand name such as Dick Tracy, one would think money would not be an issue, but TMS owns all the rights to royalties for the brand, so the Gould family doesn’t see any of that money.

Marshall Ramsey’s book signing dates

Here are the latest book signing dates for “Marshall Ramsey’s greatest hits: A collection of editorial cartoons from The Clarion-Ledger”.November 1 – 4 (Wednesday through Saturday) Mistletoe Marketplace, JacksonNovember 7 (Tuesday) Lobby of The Clarion-Ledger 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.November 9 (Thursday) St.

UN Cartooning for Peace seminar video available

I mentioned yesterday that several cartoonist from around the globe had descended in Manhattan to talk about cartooning, free speech and religion.  Attending from the U.S. is Mike Luckovich.  From ComicsDC blog comes news that Ann Telnaes was also there and that you can watch the streaming video.  To watch it, click the link and scroll down to the Special Event on October 16 (or do a find on “cartoon”).

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette running comic survey

The are testing out Baby Blues, F minus, Lio, Over the Hedge, Red and Rover, Soup to Nutz, and Watch Your Head.You can head over and vote now.  The do ask for an email address, gender, age, etc. I took the poll twice, so unless they’re filtering it on the back end, it looks like this survey could be easily hi-jacked.


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