Mike Lynch reports on 2010 Bunny Bash
Mike Lynch attended and has posted photos of this year’s Bunny Bash hosted by Bunny Hoest co-creator of Howard Huge. The event is an annual gathering of cartoonists in the New York area.
Mike Lynch attended and has posted photos of this year’s Bunny Bash hosted by Bunny Hoest co-creator of Howard Huge. The event is an annual gathering of cartoonists in the New York area.
Ted Dawson notes over his blog that Joe Messerli has passed away at the age of 80. Ted writes: Joe Messerli was a rare talent. Several days ago I wrote that someone should interview this interesting man, as his career spanned several important decades and venues in cartooning, animation and design. Mr. Messerli was one […]
A cross selection of cartoonists have founded a new website called “The Cartoonist Studio” as a way to show off their work environment (and their work) and eventually sell stuff. The eight cartoonists are: Tom Batiuk (Funky Winkerbean), Dave Coverly (Speed Bump), Greg Evans (Luanne), Peter Guren (Ask Shagg), Jeff Keane (The Family Circus), Rick […]
The famous Washington D.C. book store Politics and Prose was recently put up for sale and already the owners have been approached by about 20 interested buyers. Mr. Sagalyn said he and Franklin Foer, editor of The New Republic and one of Mr. Sagalyn’s clients, have been in preliminary discussions with Ms. Meade and Ms. […]
The Doozies creator Tom Gammill has posted another one of his videos – this time of him trying to get a seat the Reuben Awards. Video includes appearances by Jenny Robb, Cathy Guisewite, Kim Scott (Jerry’s wife), Sally Lazarus, Mell Lazarus, Jennie Schulz and Stephan Pastis. One of Tom’s best productions yet. Hilarity continues in […]
Rob Cabrera, creator of the formerly syndicated comic Silo Roberts, has posted his review of the major drawing apps available for the iPad. Since the iPad’s debut in April 2010, I’ve been searching all over the Internet for reviews on drawing apps for the device, only to be disappointed by a majority of the reviews. […]
Tom Spurgeon: So with the finale for the television show Lost rapidly receding into the background, the reaction to the show suggests the question: what are the best “final episodes” in comics history? Like television, some of the best ones weren’t official finales, or didn’t quite take. With that general caveat in mind, here are […]
The Cartoon Museum announces that Joe Wos will present “his original blend of storytelling and live cartoon illustration” on June 12. Joe, who founded and is Executive Director of the Toonsuem in Pittsburgh, PA, will also lead a free workshop at the Charles M. Schulz museum later that day. With prods from the audience, children […]
Tomorrow is the accidentily set date for everyone to draw the Prophet Mohammed. Open discussion – is anyone participating? What are your predictions about what will happen tomorrow? A non-event day, or will it go viral causing riots in the streets. Take a position now. Tomorrow we’ll see.
Gemma Arterton, the “Bond girl” in Quantum of Solace will star in a new film premiering at Cannes film festival entitled Tamara Drewe – based on “the cartoons of Posy Simmonds that originally appeared in Britain’s Guardian newspaper.” Arterton, who appeared in the 2008 James Bond film “Quantum of Solace”, plays the title role of […]
Anyone doing anything related the unofficial day to celebrate cartooning?
Rob Tornoe, editorial cartoonist for Editor & Publisher, The Press of Atlantic City and Cagle Cartoons, is launching a print humor magazine at the end of June. In his announcement, he writes: People are quick to point out that with the internet, they can read everything they want on their glowing, irritating computer screen. And […]
Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker: Who could have guessed that the clash of civilizations would be fought by cartoon characters? Couldn’t say it better myself.
Molly Norris created a cartoon in support of South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker depicting household items (tea cup, spool of thread, pasta box, etc.) as items stating that they were the real Prophet Mohammed – a spoof of the South Park episode that depicted Mohammed in a bear suit. The cartoon suggested […]
Michael Fry found these gems from Zippy the Pinhead creator Bill Griffith. Bill pens the “Top 40 List on Comics and their Creators.” 1-14 (seen above), 15-24, 25-35, 36-40