Sunday Funny Sunday
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Lalo Alcaraz thanks Jules Feiffer for his service to cartoonists and humanity in today’s La Cucaracha.
While cartoonist John Hambrock riffs on Rube Goldberg in The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee.

Then Greg and Karen Evans recall a famous Philippe Halsman photo shoot from 1952 in Luann.

Prince(ss) Val(entina) and The Adventurers

It seems Prince Valiant has a sister, which will send him on a quest for family.
The story of Val’s family started last week (more or less) with Tom Yeates paying tribute to a few Hal Foster panels from the comic strip’s first year, 1937 – notice the “H.F.” cosign:

Thomas always credits Hal Foster when he incorporates Foster art into Yeates’ strips – this time a panel from the third Prince Valiant page of February 27/28, 1937. And then an amalgamation of two Foster panels from the April 24/25, 1937 page.

Trying to find those tribute panels online mostly failed so I had to pop open volume 1 of Fantagraphics’ collected Prince Valiant, which is currently up to the years 1995-1996.
Which reminds me to note that Clover Press has completed their Terry and the Pirates The Master Collection of the Milton Caniff years. They can be bought as one package, note that some volumes are getting scarce.

Staying with the adventure theme…

Dan Thompson uses his Rip Haywire Sunday space, unused since last Spring, to advertise his crowdfunded comic Squid Williams in a half page comic strip format.
Back where we started, here we go round again

Between the gaps in publishing and the jumps through time recreating the past and looking into the future Mara Lave, Keeper of Time has a complicated continuity. I hope Alex Segura and Nickolej Villiger have had a screenplay they are keeping to and not just making the story up on the fly.
I had long forgotten the date Bob entered the strip, so it was fun to come across his first strip. I do remember where the inspiration came from. As I may have told you before, my mother briefly lived in a house overlooking a lake. One day I walked downstairs and discovered a duck standing in her living room. It had walked in through an open sliding glass door. In 1982, I was already worried that I was running out of cartoon ideas, so I considered this a bit of divine intervention.
Kevin Fagan took us to the past recounting the Drabble family’s adoption of Bob, but at a minimal size. So…

Bonus strips:

Future Funnies From The Past

Bill Griffith‘s next graphic novel is an autobiography!
Sneak preview of a page from my memoir about becoming a cartoonist-in-progress. Probably at least 3 years until completion.
Feels like Everything I’ve ever done has been leading up to this.
Non Sequitur tells us that the universe has tried to improve humanity.

