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Democracy Under Siege starring Ann Telnaes

Tuesday night saw the New York premiere of Laura Nix’s Democracy Under Siege, episode six of Draw For Change, featuring editorial cartoonist Ann Telnaes.

Acclaimed editorial cartoonist Ann Telnaes (Washington Post) offers a razor sharp critique of political hypocrisy as top American political commentators confront viewers with urgent questions about the future of American governance.

Ann attending the premiere NYC screening and participated in a Q&A afterward.

Also there among the cartoonists that went was Jason Chatfield. Jason has recently become a United States citizen and so, due to studies required for that transition, probably knows the U. S. Constitution better than most of us:

I’m still reeling from the documentary I saw last night at the IFC, featuring former Washington Post cartoonist and now Substacker,

Ann Telnaes. The documentary is called Democracy Under Siege and was completed before the election last November. Its prescience is chilling. The film feels like someone standing on the beach as the tide is going out, yelling to everyone, “Get to higher ground! A Tsunami is coming!” while they remain nonchalantly reclined in their beach chairs, sipping piña coladas, muttering, ‘Relax, you’re over-reacting!’

Chatfield gives a rave review of the documentary and some pictures of other cartoonists who showed up.

Democracy Under Siege with Ann Telnaes
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Comments 7

  1. Being John the Baptist in a country of fundamentalist Pharisees is a good way to get your head chopped off. Texas has chugged the Flavor-Aid and I’ve already suffered consequences. There’s open season on progressives.

  2. As evidenced in the trailer, The Left clings to a radical abortion on demand up-til-birth stance, while never acknowledging the biological fact, that in every pregnancy, there are two patients requiring healthcare. Republicans have opportunely gauged where sensible Americans stand in championing true reproductive wellness and protecting women’s sports.

    1. This is what happens when you only imbibe in right wing media — you’ll believe every crock of crapola you’re told.

  3. All Jews today are descended from the Pharisees. they were the only Jewish faction that survived the destruction of the 2nd temple. It was the Pharisees who wrote the two talmuds and they were the force that led to Jewish survival.

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