Comic Strip of the Day Editorial cartooning

CSotD: The Whole World Is Cringing

Sometimes it’s easier to be a gag cartoonist than a political cartoonist, but this is not one of those times. I had, briefly, planned to run humorous pieces today while I waited for the editorialists to catch up, but fortunately they leapt to their drawing boards, because, like Sipress, I don’t find anything very funny right now.

I haven’t been so ashamed of my country since the murder of Martin Luther King. Back then, my sister said she felt like going up to African-American strangers and apologizing, and today I feel like apologizing to the entire world for who we have allowed ourselves to become.

There has been the predictable rejoicing on the far right, but as Granlund puts it, there has also been little doubt as to how Dear Leader came out of the confrontation. He will, of course, boast and preen, but we’re hearing more rumbling of dissent. Even over at Xitter, posts in praise of him are being increasingly answered by denunciations.

More to the point, the world has seen the destruction of Trump’s plan to extort mineral wealth from Ukraine in return for a lukewarm cease-fire that threatened to produce nothing lasting.

The response, however, has been full-throated support for Ukraine from the European Union, from NATO and from individual nations, as well as condemnation from a variety of pundits.

Juxtaposition of the Day

Asked and answered, well both times. For all of Trump and Vance’s threats and bullying, and their lie that Zelenskyy never expressed thanks, and their warning that he won’t be able to resist their ally Putin, Ukraine’s leader stood up to them and demonstrated the courage that has given him approval ratings not at 4 percent as Dear Liar claims but at a level far above Trump’s meagre ratings in this country.

Nobody is fooled except those who willingly choose to be fooled. Even the Wall Street Journal decried the confrontation in an editorial, being less a fan of Vladimir Putin than they are of Donald Trump, but with the Murdoch empire being less a steadfast fan of Donald Trump than conservatives might hope.

MacKay places Trump and Vance in the place they’ve carved out for themselves: A pro wrestling ring, where glitz and glamour take the place of honest competitive activity.

The fact is, Trump has been involved in the seedy world of professional wrestling and has even brought a WWE executive into his cabinet. His history of cavorting in phony fights gained him a fan base that is still with him, and that is still unsure of what is real and what is fake and doesn’t much care as long as it’s loud and brassy.

Is he real? Is he fake? Who knows? Who cares? The whole world is watching, including a number of people who have no idea what they’ve just seen, but enjoy all the shouting.

“The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime,” Sir Edward Grey said as Britain entered the Great War in 1914, and Garth German echoes the thought as Donald Trump removes the United States from its role since the Second World War as the protector of democracy.

We haven’t always been a perfect protector, but while you can judge us by the wars that happened, it’s harder to judge us by the wars that didn’t, and the West rebuilt under our umbrella, despite the USSR’s capture of Eastern Europe after the war.

Another element to consider is that when we look at the social benefits enjoyed in EU nations, there may be some truth in Trump’s complaints that they don’t spend as much as we do on defense. With the US retreating into selfish isolationism, that may change, with the beacon replaced by smaller points of light, and perhaps not such generous parental leaves and medical services.

Juxtaposition of the Day #2

Vladimir Putin does seem to be winning this round, and depending on the extent to which Europe rallies, he may wind up winning his war with Ukraine.

But even with sanctions lifted — and there’s no reason to think Europe will lift them anytime soon — it would be a long time before Russia could become fairy godfather to other nations.

With the Americans having canceled foreign aid and Russia unable to provide it, the door will be wide open for China to become a worldwide provider and ally, which should be enough to wipe the grin off Vladimir Putin’s face.

Certainly, Vladimir’s friend Donald is providing him with plenty of comfort at the moment, though there was a point in the discussion where I thought Dear Leader might start foaming at the mouth and fall out of his chair like John Belushi on SNL:

Let me tell you, Putin went through a hell of a lot with me. He went through a phony witch hunt where they used him and Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia. You ever hear of that deal? That was a phony. That was a phony Hunter Biden, Joe Biden scam. Hillary Clinton, shifty Adam Schiff. It was a Democrat scam. And he had to go through that. And he did go through it. We didn’t end up in a war. And he went through it. He was accused of all that stuff. He had nothing to do with it. It came out of Hunter Biden’s bathroom. It came out of Hunter Biden’s bedroom. It was disgusting. And then they said, ‘Oh, the laptop from hell was made by Russia.’ The 51 agents. The whole thing was a scam.

It may have been intended to make Zelenskyy feel sorry for Putin, but it mostly made me sorry for us, because this guy is nuts and his vice-president, rather than stepping in to calm him down, seemed determined to further gin him up.

While our secretary of state sat looking as if he’d been called down to the principal’s office and they were calling his parents. Could it be that Rubio has begun to realize what his ambition got him dragged into?

Though as Bennett points out, Little Marco certainly wasn’t the smallest person in the room.

Which is even more reason not to give up.

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Comments 4

  1. I’m reading this in St. Augustine, FL on vacation for Daytona Bike Week. Therefore, I missed the whole abomination live, have no desire to watch the replay, all the post-event reports I’m reading are enough. in 75 years, I can’t remember when I’ve been so disgusted at my country.

    This just begs the periodic question: When does President Trump finally do something so disgusting that he finally alienates a portion of his MAGAt supporters? I mean, c’mon, after 35+ years of the Cold War, and they’re not pissed off that he’s selling us out to Russia?

    1. Judging by the comments on “Prickly City” today, MAGAts are all in favor of the sell-out.

  2. This ambush of Zelinskyy could’ve been predicted — it *should* have been predicted by anyone who knew Trump. The loser has ALWAYS been a one-trick pony, doing the same thing over and over because he knows nothing else.

    Back in the 1970s, Donald and his dad Fred would pull the same stunt at real estate negotiations: everything would be fine and dandy up until the signing, at which point they would lose their $#it and start screaming at the other party about some slight or some made up mistake — and demand the other party apologize for *disrespecting* them. Threats of lawsuits followed, and the other party, knocked back on their heels, would agree to any changes to assuage the aggrieved Trumps.

    The only change this time is the part of Fred Trump is now being played by JD Vance.

  3. After watching Trump interact with Zelenskyy I came to a realization that explains Trump – he is afraid! Of what? Everything.

    He’s afraid of Musk and his $$. He’s afraid of Putin, who certainly knows it. He’s afraid of his own wife, which is obvious when you think about it.

    He’s afraid of death, which explains his fear of Zelenskyy, who whatever else one might say, is not afraid of death. And he’s afraid of our military and its leaders.

    My amateur psych explanation is it goes back to his fear of his dominant father, but who knows. If one looks behind any bully, what you find is fear and that’s Trump, a person who is afraid of life and ultimately being a failure at it.

    What this insight means for us, for the world, I don’t know. But realizing that their leader is a ‘fraidy cat’ might give the Republicans, like Marco, some courage to step up and figure out what’s next.

    Think about it. Behind that red-tied small-handed orange-haired president is a scared little boy, trying his best to make sure no one notices.

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