Comic Strip of the Day Editorial cartooning

CSotD: Sunday Miscellany

Dave Coverly gets the Crystal Ball Award for having drawn this piece godknowswhen but well before Dear Leader declared himself a king and got plenty of pushback.

It wasn’t French Revolution level pushback, mind you, despite his having echoed the Sun King who reportedly said, “L’Etat c’est moi,” which is cousin to “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law,” which is also only a reportedly real quote, being attributed not to Napoleon but to Rod Steiger playing Napoleon.

Napoleon also did not say “Little darling, it’s been a long, cold, lonely winter,” but that arc does have a tendency to bend, if you can wait long enough, which is what the Russians did in 1812.

I don’t know that anyone in the West has ever shown that kind of numb patience.

Tough-but-Fair cartoon from Ben Jennings. We can express that feeling, but it seems at best foolish and at worst hypocritical when we sit surrounded by the evidence of why our reputation is cratering.

It’s encouraging to see some disapproval, if not outright resistance, building, but Americans never seem to summon the take-to-the-streets fury of their European counterparts. Sitting in the easy chair and wishing things were different is not the same.

Humanity will, of course, change; human society will, of course, continue to develop — in spite of men and the errors of men. But that is not a revolutionary attitude. — Fidel Castro

Resistance is growing, and sales of Teslas are reportedly down, though Matt Golding is Australian.

Tesla drivers worldwide may be embarrassed by their cars, but Americans are the ones who have cause to be embarrassed by their votes.

It will be interesting to see where the changes in attitude emerge. There will no doubt be some who will regret supporting Trump in a personal sense, because, as Duquette draws it, their child gets measles, or perhaps because they’ve lost their job to the muskrats.

We’re seeing posts pop up on social media, purportedly from people who voted for Trump and are suddenly unemployed, and who thought the Leopards Eating Faces Party would not eat their faces. Some, no doubt, are phony, but they’re not all fake.

Besides, facts and truth left the building awhile ago. Setting a mood matters and it’s important to let people know regrets are okay.

Though if having over a million deaths from Covid didn’t stop people from complaining about masks, I don’t suppose outbreaks of measles and mumps will bring about a shift in attitudes either.

Goodness knows, it’s not as if the flow of misinformation were slowing down. How much of it is intentional and how much is the result of sloppiness we may never know, but it’s obvious that the blitzkrieg of destruction has caused a lot of bad math and bogus claims.

Kelley has been caught in a foolish error on the part of the muskrats who broke into the IRS data base and assumed that everyone listed there was receiving checks. I don’t think they lied. I think they didn’t understand what they were seeing.

But they got it wrong and unless there is a Great Correction coming (fat chance), the myth of 150-year-old people getting checks will live on, along with Al Gore inventing the Internet and Trump holding a Bible upside down.

The myth of forbidding people to say “Merry Christmas” lives on no matter how often it has been clarified that “Happy Holidays” was offered as a polite way to acknowledge other cultures and other religions.

It’s not that Lester is completely wrong: Some stores may well have told staff to use the more inclusive greeting.

But it was never a widespread command, much less a law. It’s like sneezing into your elbow: A polite gesture.

Like using a term that everyone in the world uses, prefers and understands, rather than making up your own.

By contrast, as Berge points out, Dear Leader has decreed that any journalist using the international name for that international body of water will be barred from covering the White House. That’s also not a law, but until the courts say it isn’t, it might as well be one.

Loyalty is the dominant issue, in the selection of Cabinet Members, in the retention of senior military officers, and in who is allowed to report on Dear Leader and what they’re allowed to say.

Truth matters: Big Brother loves you, the Leopards Eating Faces Party only eats other people’s faces, never yours, and, of course, four legs good, two legs better.

There will be other opportunities for Dear Leader to inflict damage on Americans, especially if he gets his hare-brained tariffs program in place. He continues to describe them in false terms, repeatedly claiming that tariffs are paid by exporters and that the money raised is therefore from foreign sources.

There remains, as always, a question of whether he is genuinely ignorant or deliberately lying. Having falsely said we were sending $50 million worth of condoms to Gaza, instead of not saying it again, he declared that it was $100 million worth. And he justified his renaming of the Gulf of Mexico with the farcical claim that the US has the longest shoreline on the gulf.

Now we says we don’t need Canadian imports, but, as Sheneman suggests, our housing industry very much needs Canadian lumber, and adding tariffs will add cost to houses at a time when higher housing prices are the last thing we need.

Trump’s first tariff war with China didn’t hurt China, which turned to Brazil for its massive imports of soybeans. Now, as further tariff clashes look probable, Brazil is already positioned as not just a favorable source but a preferable one.

Which seems historically logical, since it was the farmers who suffered under McKinley’s tariffs while the robber barons prospered. If Dear Leader gets his tariffs, farmers will once more be among those who suffer the most.

Though it’s not just tariffs. USAID bought billions of dollars of food from American farmers, while most military aid for Ukraine was also spent here in our defense factories.

It’s wake-up time.

It’s one thing to choose fat slavery over lean freedom, but lean slavery seems a truly foolish preference.

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Comments 24

  1. According to Fact, the great bulk of the over 100-years-old people on the Social Security lists are not necessarily due to the 1875 default date, which itself accounts for only around 20%. The rest are still there–though not collecting money from the SSA, they believe–because in the pre-computer years, deaths (especially prior to 1906) were frequently not reported to the Administration by families or coroners, or were not published or otherwise publicly reported, and by the time the list was being digitized, they did studies about what would be required to update the lists, discovering it would cost far more thasn the money (from $5-10 million) it might save, and decided to just leave things as it is. The number of genuinely dead workers and fraudulent recipients of checks meant for them is in the thousands, and are being weeded out as they go along. If it were as easy a process as skimming the lists as the DOGE super-genius squad is doing, those rolls would have been purged long ago.

  2. “,,,it would cost far more (from $5-10 million) than the money it might save…”

  3. What I never understood about the purported “war on Christmas” was the fact that it was a corporate thing, really—-the reason that Kmart ads listed “holiday trees” or the Target cashier was told to say “Happy Holidays” was because some pencilhead at the corporate office figured they could move 0.5% more scented candles by doing so.

    I thought conservatives loved the free market?

    1. Earlier this week, Kelley responded to Canada’s victory in that 4 Nations tourney by showing an effeminate Justin Trudeau wearing a ruffled figure skater outfit (pink, of course) standing next to a couple of hockey players.
      What a vile bigot and moron.
      And a sore loser.

  4. Is it cynical of me to think that Kelley lifts his cartoon ideas directly from Trump Social?

    PS: Thanks for including me today

    1. Kelley’s “Dustin” is no bright spot either. It hits all the bitter old man tropes with startling regularity. It cycles through “kids today” and “wives are mean” with depressing regularity.

      1. Poor Kelley has always struck me as being a seriously unhappy bitter person, judging from his cartoons.

      2. OMG ! He’s the guy responsible for “Dustin” – one of the most unoriginal strips today ! What a waste of space, as well as an ineffective attempt to rip off “Zits” and, as you say, every other trope. Cynical and mean, but not very good at that either.

  5. I recently gave my wife a book to read in which a sympathetic character drives a Tesla. I had to note to her that the book was written before Musk went Nazi and Tesla ownership was still a good thing. I suppose that if I were making payments on a Tesla today, I would stop, and tell the repo-man to get the embarrassment off my lawn. And I drive a Volkswagen

    1. Bought my Tesla almost 4 years ago, *used*, so none of my money went to the company or to Elon. Now I drive a fully paid for car that every time I park in public, I worry I will come out and find it vandalized or burning. I can’t even get half of what I paid for it, either, to buy a Kia or some other brand. I’m looking for one of those stickers for it as a matter of fact. What bugs me the most is that it is a great car and drives wonderfully and now I can’t even enjoy it because Elon has gone completely bats.

      1. Kind of like the old WNY football fan who can’t wear any of his closetful of NFL jerseys – Bills #32 – O.J. Simpson.

  6. Wait…”150 year olds”, plural? Wow. I guess this country is swarming with them. Factchecking is for losers!

    1. You know you don’t have to believe stupid things just because it makes King Bing-Bong Cofveve Bleach-Drinker happy, Mike. He’s never going to like you anyway.

    2. Facts matter. Context matters:

      “Harris made her comment during a Dec. 19, 2017, news conference at the United Methodist Building in Washington, D.C., near the U.S. Capitol, when she was a Democratic U.S. senator representing California. Harris was referring to how people could say “Merry Christmas” to each other if Congress didn’t pass the DREAM Act, which stands for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors. The act would have provided a pathway to citizenship for some immigrants who came to the United States illegally as children, according to NBC News.”

    3. Get therapy. I mean that in all seriousness.

    4. Oh, and no one was ever “stopping” you from saying any of that any more than they’re “stopping” you from calling someone a “p—-y” or a “r——-d”—saying that stuff just advertises the type of person you are, and others will react accordingly.

    5. What Kamala Harris said in that clip is no different from what the socially conservative pastor of the church my family attended when I was a teenager would preach in his Christmas sermon every few years, that Jesus is appalled when we make Christmas a celebration of ourselves when so many children needlessly suffer. But nobody should expect honesty from Lyin’ Mike Lester. A few years ago, after he published an appallingly insensitive cartoon, I commented on Gocomics, among other things referencing the Tolkien/Gandalf comment that many people deserve to die, but we should always keep in mind the possibility of redemption, even in the unlikeliest cases. Lester responded by drawing a cartoon referring to me, claiming I’d wished death on him. He really did.

    6. What a bunch of lies Mr. Lester.
      Who was stopping you from doing any of those things?
      Name names.

  7. Always a fan of Mike Lester’s cartooning, just never ever of the political perspectives he espouses…

  8. Dave’s “King” is more indicative of Harris on November 5th.

    1. As noted, it’s pure coincidence and nothing do with politics. I just mentioned it because, a few days before it appeared, Trump declared himself a king. (Harris never did that, being an American and understanding our political system.)

  9. I’m not sure about the Fidel Castro quote above. On the other hand, I’m pretty sure all of us have been called communists for simply not being Republicans.

    It’s just sort of, why give them more ammo?

    I might add, having read the Communist Manifesto over half a century ago, what I remember of it, the diagnosis was pretty much correct, it was the prescription where I felt they went wrong.

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