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Charlie Brown and Charles Schulz – And In The End The Love

the final Peanuts by Charles Schulz dated February 13, 2000

Charles Schulz was probably the most adored cartoonist ever and his Peanuts comic strip more loved than any other. Twenty-five years ago we lost both of them. Peanuts ending was front page news above the fold.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette February 13, 2000
The Herald American/The Post-Standard February 13, 2000
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution February 13, 2000
Corpus Christi Caller Times February 13, 2000

Of newspapers not carrying the story on page one most that carried the strip at least had a notice in the ears above the nameplate.

Springfield News-Sun February 13, 2000
Abilene Reporter-News February 13, 2000

Inside the newspapers was one or two full pages about the end and the history of Peanuts, sometimes three pages. As noted above The Atlanta Journal-Constitution went all-out wrapping their broadsheet Sunday comics section in “a very special 4-[broadsheet]page Peanuts keepsake.”

The ending of Peanuts was so historic it even brought the famously reclusive Bill Watterson of Calvin and Hobbes fame out to praise Charles Schulz and Charlie Brown.

Bill Watterson on Charles Schulz; The Sacramento Bee February 13, 2000
Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson signed original to Charles Schulz; March 25, 1988 detail

As bad as the news of Peanuts ending was at least we had been warned and had a couple months to prepare. But there was unexpectedly worse news for newspaper readers on the west coast whose newspapers actually published on Sundays and carried Saturday’s events.

Ventura County Sunday Star February 13, 2000
The Honolulu Advertiser February 13, 2000

Twenty-five years ago today was a very bad day for comic strip fans.

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Comments 3

  1. And I still follow it daily as if every strip was new.

  2. Off topic but have you noticed Kevin and Kell has gone political?

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