The New Yorker 100th Anniversary Issue
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The New Yorker has published its 100th Anniversary Issue (scroll down at that link!).

The Centennial Issue, dated February 17 & 24, 2025, comes with the original Rea Irvin cover and 5 variants.

A highlight is Seth‘s four page illustrated appreciation of cartoonist Rea Irvin.
Michael Maslin heralds the issue and notes other highlights:
There are shout-outs to several cartoonists sprinkled throughout the content (without actually keeping score, I feel as if Thurber is mentioned most). Editor David Remnick’s “Onward and Upward” Comment piece and Jill Lepore’s long “American Chronicles” piece, “War Of Words,” will surely satisfy readers wanting some sort of capsule history of the magazine’s famed editors and writers. Roz Chast weighs in on George Booth (within the piece is a Booth drawing) [link added]; Seth graphically honors Rea Irvin. I like the use of archived photos set into certain pieces (as in Rachel Aviv’s take on a 1983 Janet Malcolm piece, “Trouble In The Archives” where you’ll see a Bob Mankoff drawing alongside one of mine). Look closely at the Kevin Young take on a James Baldwin piece from 1962, “Letter From A Region In My Mind” and you’ll see a James Stevenson drawing alongside an Abe Birnbaum spot)

As always Michael lists the cartoonists whose cartoons appear in The New Yorker.

The New Yorker itself details this issue and future celebrations. As does publisher Condé Nast.
Go to your local bookstore or newsstand or order a copy online – do not settle for an e-version – this is one issue where you need to get a physical copy of the 100th Anniversary edition of The New Yorker!

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