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The New GoComics for 2025 – updated

Exciting news: At the beginning of April you’ll be introduced to a brand-new GoComics with a host of upgraded features and improved functionality—and more will roll out throughout 2025!

A year and a half after their last update,

The GoComics Team announces some immediate changes and some still to come:

Subscribers will have access to:

  • Enhanced landing pages for 400+ comic features, which highlight what you love most: the comics
  • Unlimited access to the easier-to-navigate comics archive
  • Up to 12 My Comics pages and daily My Comics emails
  • Modernized commenting platform
  • New! Access to classic puzzles and brand-new original games

But we’re not stopping there: We are…

Shall we assume that commenting on political cartoons will once more be allowed?

Shall we assume that only “subscribers will have access to” the commenting platform?

I thought their comics archive WAS easy to navigate – certainly when compared to Comics Kingdom.

Two months to prepare for the “brand-new” GoComics.

A couple hours later that same day update

Checking my email after Mike’s comment below I find more:

The new GoComics will have an annual price of $34.99, but as a thank you for being a loyal comics fan, you will receive your first year of the brand-new GoComics at a discounted rate of $19.99 (+ tax) starting on [your date of yearly renewal]. This necessary price increase ensures that we’re able to support our creators, continually improve the site, and bring you the exceptional comics-reading experience that you expect. 

You can cancel your subscription, manage your billing, plan preferences, payment methods, and more at any time on your My Account page

So now a new question arises – how long do have to be a subscriber to be considered “a loyal comics fan?” If one subscribes to GoComics now in February 2025 do they get the discounted rate when the subscription comes up for renewal in February 2026? In any case I’m guessing subscribing now will cost $19.99/year instead of $34.99/year for the first 12 months.

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Comments 12

  1. What about bringing back comments on editorial cartoons so people can call out the cartoonists for repeating lies?

    1. “An entirely new commenting system will be rolling out to both humor and editorial comics!

      Please let us know if you have any additional questions.”

  2. I’m just waiting for them to bring the mobile app back.

  3. They’re also raising the annual subscription price from $19.99 to $34.99, which is a large jump but not a huge amount, assuming, as you suggest, that the site is more navigable than Comics Kingdom, which also boosted its rates. Given the situation for print pages, it makes sense to pay more to keep the medium alive.

    1. Not to mention, it is beginning to cost a fortune to support each cartoonist individually with subscriptions. Of course, I am assuming they get some compensation for contributing their content to the website.

    2. I just hope they don’t jump on the NextUI bandwagon like CK.

  4. I hope the keep all the comics archive free as they do now and not pull a Comics Kingdom by limiting the entire archive to subscribers

      1. Same here. I’m finally able to read Funky Winkerbean without having to buy more of the pricey books for earlier ones and having to use Anna’s Archive. I don’t want to spend $35.

  5. This is scary, in light of the Comics Kingdom site debacle, which still has unresolved glitches and is much harder to navigate. And the price hike sure is big…

  6. Perhaps they could finally install a Night Mode.

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