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CSotD: Super Sunday w/ extra schadenfreude

A little bit of politics before we dive into humor: The NFL has removed “End Racism” from the endzone, not starting next season when most changes happen, but starting right now for the Super Bowl, which, completely coincidentally, will have Dear Leader in attendance.

They’re replacing it with “Choose Love,” and just as taking “End Racism” off the field has nothing, they swear, to do with Trump’s presence, I’m going to assume that “Choose Love” has nothing to do with Taylor Swift being there, either.

Though if “Choose Love” is effective, I trust most viewers will wait until halftime. A little bit of bad love may or may not be better than no love at all but it sure beats watching the Super Bowl halftime show.

Sipress reverses the usual blasphemy we can expect to hear this evening, though I suppose presuming upon the Lord and praying on street corners is within the accepted bounds of some Christian sects.

As is ignoring Ezekiel: “Have ye not seen a vain vision, and have ye not spoken a lying divination, whereas ye say, The LORD saith it; albeit I have not spoken?”

Anyway, Sipress is right and the fact that your team won may not indicate his favor so much as his dislike of the other team, which is pretty much how most football fans feel about the Super Bowl, too, since their teams aren’t playing.

Jimmy Johnson notes the potential for a sting, given the lag in this case between radio and television. I’m not 100% sure of that, but I do know that if you get your TV signal through the Intertubes, you can pick up a substantial lag on two different sets in the same house.

There is to be an estimated $1.39 billion bet on the game, not including friendlies like Arlo & Janis. I heard on NPR that most sports betting is coming from Gen Z and scales down as people get older, though the report didn’t say “and wiser.”

There’s a casino opening here in December to help people flush their money down the toilet, and I predict it will be like the lottery in which everyone is convinced they either win or at worst break even, showing why casinos are so profitable.

The place is calling itself a “casino and social house” which seems surprising, since New Hampshire hasn’t even legalized marijuana yet, much less operating a social house.

Different kind of sports gambling here, because I have serious doubts about the odds of a Super Bowl ad paying off. It used to be that a good Super Bowl ad would smack everybody upside the head, but they’re not only fluffed up beyond their value, but then they are spoilered ahead of time so people have already seen them and don’t need to pay attention during the game.

It used to be that some clever company would blow everyone away with a surprise celebrity cameo, but since imitation is the sincerest form of advertising, last year’s trend was to jam as many celebrity cameos into 30 seconds as you could, which left no time to actually promote the product.

Cleverness is overrated anyway: Alka Seltzer had wonderful, memorable, clever ads that touched off catch-phrases like “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing” and “Atsa some spicey-a meataball.” Problem was, they didn’t touch off any sales of Alka Seltzer.

And then there was “Just For Feet,” and “was” is the correct tense, because this jaw-dropping Super Bowl ad put them out of business:

Here’s the short explanation of what is generally considered the worst advertising disaster in Super Bowl history and for those like myself who have been in advertising and enjoy schadenfreude, here’s the in-depth story.

And here’s a sketch of the meeting at Saatchi & Saatchi, after their commercial for “Just for Feet” ran in the Super Bowl.

Of course, I’m joking. They continued to think their ad was brilliant. That’s how Madison Avenue works.

Speaking of the joys of schadenfreude and how much I like seeing the mighty take a pratfall, today’s Adam@Home brings back the time when the Gray Lady herself got pranked by a young woman in Seattle.

Stories explaining teenage slang are a staple of stupid news coverage, usually handed out to rookie reporters because editors think all young people are hip, mostly because they’re hipper than their editors, which isn’t saying a lot. The stories they bring back are generally at least six months out of date, full of slang terms the kids have long since abandoned.

But not at the New York Times, who assigned a reporter to collect slang from Seattle’s grunge community. The resulting collection of terminology was not just abandoned but had never existed in the first place.

I’m currently re-reading All the President’s Men, which has great appeal to me as a former reporter, but this story is neck-and-neck with it on my list of favorites. Here it is, a gift from me to you and a pie in the face to the cob nobblers who fell for it.

Today’s Free Range brings up two things.

One is a memory of sitting in a hotel bar with a local musician while some guy played an electronic one-man-band machine, a variety of fake instruments queued up to simulate current pop songs.

When he launched into “Horse with No Name,” I thought my companion was going to burst. The only thing worse than semi-decent music extruded through that synthesizer was having been dragged through the desert by a song with two chords.

The other knee-jerk reaction is that when I am at the grocery store, I often hear Muzak consisting of young Autotuned women repeatedly singing a single catch phrase, accompanied by a drum machine and some artificial tones.

Stores once played pop tunes as interpreted by the Ray Goniff Singers or whoever, but also played actual MOR hits, which makes me wish I had one of my granddaughters with me so I could ask, “Is this a real song?”

I’d hate to have her say yes, but then again, there was some awful drek on the Top 40 when I was young.

Even Frank found it hard to top.

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Comments 24

  1. The songs you hear on the radio these days are so grody to the max, so I have to go to the grocery store to hear anything good. Like totally.

  2. I can’t recall the actual name of the song, but when it plays all that I hear is “in a hopeless place”.

    Not a very inspiring song.

  3. I was on a middle-of-the-night location shoot in an area grocery store. I heard a song on the overhead that was familiar but that I couldn’t identify.

    I asked the art director – we stood there and listened and it hit us both at the same time – it was an orchestral version of Warren Zevon’s “Excitable Boy”.

    1. Thirty years ago, I was dining at the finest restaurant in town- tuxedoed matrie d, white coated obsequent waiters, haute cuisine French menu; the kind of eatery that was geared to a high class and refined clientele. There was even a harpist in a balcony playing classical music. I was intrigued by one sone she was playing as it sounded somehow familiar. Then it struck me- she was playing Stairway to Heaven.

  4. I kept waiting for that Times article to get interesting, and then at the end it suddenly got splendiferous. Coincidentally, I’m sitting here Sunday morning in my wack slacks and fuzz (but no kickers), just swingin’ on the flippity flop. Rock on, cob nobbler.

  5. Speaking about the ludicrosity of super bowl commercials: Long ago, I decided that any company that could fritter away obscene amounts of money on such an endeavor didn’t need my business. And for decades now, I have gone out of my way to avoid commercials. When people ask me, “Have you seen that commercial…?”, my reply is “No” before they can finish their sentence. I don’t understand the obsession with super bowl commercials. But I am just an old fart (well, 62 isn’t that old, but I’m well out of the target demographic), but I have a brain.

    1. For many years, Master Lock had one TV commercial per year.
      During the Super Bowl.
      But then the cost of 30 seconds went beyond their advertising budget, so no more bullets through locks that stayed locked.

  6. Just a note for the Candorville watch: I saw today’s strip from my Comics Kingdom e-mail. Not in the e-mail sent me, but in the web page that comes up under the ‘View In Browser’ link at the upper right corner of the mail. (I have no idea if it’s a repeat; it’s Lemont asking the coffee shop waitstaff about the curious brown spots and cobwebs in the table salt.)

    1. I know the Detroit Free Press officially does not carry Candorville. They kept it an extra week, until today. It has been replaced with Curtis.

      1. I did save it, yes, and that’s the strip all right. I can send a copy if useful for your records.

      2. Sent, although there’s a chance the file size might make some server along the way protest. Please let me know if something goes wrong.

  7. Remember the Time Magazine “The New Hedonism” cover story, based entirely on an interview at the Walden Commune with Zonker Harris? “Peyote and clam dip!”

  8. Arlo paused the telecast while he went to the kitchen to get a beer and chips and salsa. Meanwhile, Janice continued to listen to the game live on radio. She knows that the field goal kicker missed, thus setting up Arlo to lose the bet.

    DVRs and Streaming allows one to pause shows.

    1. That was part of my theory, since the gaps in simultaneous streams seem to be more than about five seconds at most, unless you monkey with one of them. However, I’ve now got Fox on my TV and Westwood One on my computer and that gap is easily enough for Janis to pull her scam.

  9. Whippersnapers! My Gawd I’m auld.

  10. Truth is, I rarely ever recognize music that plays in the store unless it’s really famous.

    I usually get a kick when Rick Astley starts up. I dunno if stores are even aware of what “Rickrolling” is, but it still makes me smile.

    That’s something, I guess

  11. Ray Goniff…way to sneak one in. How many heads did that fly over?

    1. Who remembers Milt Goniff, writer/artist on Steve Cantor?

  12. My wife has happy memories of shopping in the only upper class department store in our town, and realising that the song on the PA was the Rolling Stones performing “Starf***er.”

  13. I was in a grocery store the other day.
    They were playing “classic rock”.
    Jethro Tull. “Aqualung”.
    Moms and daughters walking around while Ian Anderson serenaded us with:
    “Sitting on a park bench…eyeing little girls with bad intent.”

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