Comic strips Editorial cartooning

King Features Scrubs Darrin Bell

King Features Syndicate and Comics Kingdom are deleting any references to Darrin Bell.

Mike Peterson gave notice that within a day of loading the February 9, 2025 Candorville comic strip Comics Kingdom had removed that strip and further everything Candorville on the site. Also disappeared was the Comics Kingdom page featuring Darrin Bell political cartoons.

From all appearances King Features is doing the deleting on the Q.T., no public statement has been issued.

I had grabbed a screenshot of the February 9, 2025 Candorville for the post Mike commented on but only the title and first panel of that Sunday, planning on getting the entire strip later. The best laid plans…

We’ll see if Arcamax posts that (last?) strip this coming Sunday.

Bell’s editorial cartoons can be viewed on his Candorville site – the last of those currently being the one from January 10, 2025.

At the time of this posting there are a mention or two of Darrin Bell in back issues of the Comics Kingdom blog. But otherwise…


Darrin Bell was supposed to have a court date yesterday, February 4, 2025, but I can find no report on that.

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Comments 6

  1. In less explosive news, I saw that Allison Garwood’s PETUNIA AND DRE was scrubbed from GoComics’ site, although NEUROTICA is still running. Allison voluntarily ended PETUNIA AND DRE since she plans to eventually release the story as a graphic novel, and is currently a student.
    I am a little surprised that they did not leave the strip in repeats. She might have requested that it be deleted.

  2. Sad about ‘Candorville’, but business after all. Praying he gets the necessary treatment needed.

    1. Thanks for the update and link.

  3. meanwhile The Talk continues to be everywhere

  4. Not at all surprised!

    It has been said KFS has made “wise” decisions. I ask; was this “wise”?
    My opinion – yes, it was “wise”.
    It could be said KFS is “malleable”, disassociating themselves from Darrin, under public pressure (considering his legal challenges).
    At this point, there are only allegations, so, if Darrin is innocent … what does that tell us about KFS?

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