Conventions Editorial cartooning

AAEC Joins Small Press Expo

The Association of American Editorial Cartoonists (AAEC) has announced they will be joining the line-up at this year’s Small Press Expo (SPX) in September.


From the announcement:

Many editorial cartoonists are familiar with the long-running cartoon arts festival in Bethesda, Maryland, especially those from the alt-weekly side of the business. Its Director, Warren Bernard, is one of cartooning’s biggest patrons, and has made a point of holding panels of guest political cartoonists during big election years in the past at SPX.

This year, the AAEC will be part of the programming during the 2025 Expo, as well as holding some of our own events at our annual confab. We will be working closely with Program Director Rob Clough over the next few weeks to come up with a slate of panels and workshops that will both tap into our expertise and experience, and fit SPX’s schedule and audience. More details to follow soon.

Expo dates are Thursday, Sept. 11 to Sunday, Sept. 14.

Clarification: (per JP Trostle in the comments): SPX dates are Sept 13-14 (Saturday, Sunday). The AAEC convention events will begin Sept. 11-12 (Thursday-Friday).

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Comments 2

  1. Quick clarification: SPX is *just* on the weekend — Sept 13-14 — while the AAEC will be arriving a couple days early for a longer convention that overlaps the Expo. We don’t want anyone to think they’ve added a few days to SPX. Just FYI.

    1. Thanks for the clarification. I’ve updated the article.

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