Caricature Magazine cartoons Profiles

Wayback Whensday: Cartoonist Profiles and Self-Caricatures

For thirty years, from 1942 to 1971, cartoonist Lawrence Lariar collected and book publisher Crown (Dodd Mead for the last five) published The Best Cartoons of the Year as an annual series collecting “the best” cartoons from Saturday Evening Post, Collier’s, Liberty, The New Yorker, Argosy, Cosmopolitan, Parade, Ladies Home Journal, McCall’s, Look, American Legion, and many others.

In the early years the books featured cartoonists’ self caricatures and short autobiographies.

Some are still famous and their names well-known, others known only to fans of magazine cartoons.

Ger Apeldoorn collects the profiles from the 1943, 1944, and 1945 editions of The Best Cartoons of the Year.


Christopher Wheeler displays every 1942 – 1971 cover from his collection of the books.

Lariar selfie

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Comments 1

  1. I’m really most partial to the ‘Best Cartoons’ series’ short-lived spinoff, ‘Best Cartoons From Abroad’, which naturally proposes a broader perspective on humour. I think there were five collections, starting in 1955, also edited by Lariar (and Ben Roth).

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