Editorial cartooning

The Fading Art of Editorial Cartooning

In the summer of 2018, I drew a political cartoon for the local newspaper of a small Adirondack lake community in upstate New York.

Hilarious, right? Well, not everyone thought so.

After the cartoon ran, the editor informed me that several people had canceled their subscriptions, calling the cartoon mean-spirited and partisan. He said the newspaper would need to be more cautious about publishing political cartoons in the future as the paper was not in a position to lose subscribers.

The conversation left me baffled. I pointed out that the paper regularly published editorials critical of President Donald Trump and other local Republicans. Why should a cartoon be any different?

The editor explained: Most people don’t read.

Cartoonist Heywood Reynolds mourns the loss of an art form for The Times Union.

Still, artists and cartoonists are thriving on social media. By “thriving,” I mean their work is widely shared — but almost no one is paying them.

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Comments 11

  1. You took aim at voters, not the politicians. What does your cartoon do? It trashes them as lunatics. Is that a political cartoon or self indulgent slop?

    1. How did it take aim at voters. I interpreted it as taking aim at the names on the flags. But if you want to interpret it differently, you are welcome to. That’s the beauty of political cartoons. They are open to interpretation. Until newspapers cancel them out of fear. Then there is nothing to interpret.

    2. And how many conservative cartoonists have reduced Democratic voters to caricatures? I’m sure you’ve gone after those cartoonists with just as much enthusiasm, right?

      1. If a Conservative cartoonist just slandered progressives as “woke”.. Is that funny? It’s completely lame. Granted there are few conservative editorial cartoonists getting paid to write jokes with a sledgehammer. But absolutely it’s a criticism that swings both ways. I think Trump’s act makes us all believe we can all take cheap shots. There are new rules of discourse now. No . He is a parody unto himself. Insults by regular people need to have something more.

    3. Oh, you mean, unlike Trump’s own continuous diatribes against Liberals? His comments and insults are okay because you think he’s only attacking Leftist politicians? And after all, Trump is never self-indulgement, right? He doesn’t issue Executive Orders that have nothing to do with retribution, correct? He’s just being “Trump”.

      1. @George K Atkins Look at that Mana Neyestani cartoon in Sunday Morning Potpourri. That’s a real cartoon. It’s visually appealing.I don’t even get the joke, but it’s eye candy. I didn’t watch the event to know what he’s getting at. The point is not all progressive cartoons are created equal. You can’t keep hitting the F key on the piano like a 12 year old and expect everyone to applaud. You can guess what the F stands for.

  2. Well Phil, sometimes the truth hurts.

  3. Name calling is cheap. You wouldn’t even encourage your own kids to use that tactic in their own lives. Ohh but if you don’t say something how will they know they suck?? Think of something better, that’s how.

  4. I figure as papers die, “cartooning” itself is fading a bit. At least the “prestige” of being a syndicated artist is fading.
    There are several online comics portals, and these days, anyone that can draw a bit (&has a scanned) can get their comic online. Strips that a traditional syndicate would never accept can be uploaded online find their audience.

  5. to, every couple of weeks, quote rob’t burns’ the louse translated “to see ourselves as others see us” and boss tweed, “them damn pictures” as well as some roman empire era guy, “wisdom is being able to date an idea without marrying it.” as well as having second income stream makes cartooning doable

  6. There a couple of actual loons in the direction they are looking. A guy in a boat is in the background. Your knees are jerking and your touchiness is showing.

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