Comic strips Editorial cartooning

Candorville “Discontinued”

We’ve been monitoring the newspapers that have dropped Candorville since cartoonist Darrin Bell‘s recent troubles. Now comes the first reports that Candorville has been “discontinued” and “no longer available.”

above: first Candorvillle from October 19, 2003

From the Fairfield (CA) Daily Republic:

The Daily Republic over the next three weeks will be featuring three new comic strips.

We would like your feedback as the preference to replace “Candorville,” which has been discontinued.

Starting in today’s paper, and repeating Wednesday, the first of the three comics to review will be “Curtis.”

That will be followed the next week by “Dumplings,” then “Six Chix.”

Granted it doesn’t explicitly state whether it is the syndicate doing the terminating or the paper, but their use of the term “discontinued” is interesting.

Then combining that notice with the Meadville (PA) Tribune yesterday (behind a paywall) asking readers for input on the comics page because “Candorville is no longer available to us” seems to imply that the syndicate is ending distribution of the comic strip. (Possibly because they have no more new strips to syndicate?)

As previously mentioned here Comics Kingdom, which allows subscribers a seven day future look at their strips and panels, has not uploaded any Candorville past tomorrow’s Sunday page. update: The February 2, 2025 Sunday page has been uploaded. Future Sunday pages may still be forthcoming; we’ll see.

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Comments 15

  1. I was right, Candorville is the first newspaper comic strip to end in 2025.

    Has the Washington Post found a KFS replacement for Candorville?

    I guess none of the Lee Enterprises owned newspapers which has the rights to the King Features comics for thier comics pages never opted to carry Candorville.

  2. The Post put in Six Chix the day after the story broke.

  3. ‘Dumplings’ appears to be the “winner” of this dilemma for KFC and the newspapers.
    I’ve chuckled at the few I’ve seen in the Pioneer Press.
    Anybody know anything about the strip and its creator?

  4. What a sad business this all is. I am certainly not in favour of paedophilia, nor do I understand it. But it’s hard, probably impossible, to understand other people’s sexual preferences. Even as pedestrian a choice as preferring blondes is incomprehensible to those who prefer brunettes. It’s a shame that some people’s preferences are harmful to some others, such as children. My guess is that paedophiles simply can’t change it. It seems that otherwise excellent people, such as Darrin Bell, are saddled with this obsession, which I think they would prefer to be rid of. Treating their predilection as a crime seems unfair, although what else is there to do?
    I am transgender, born male, switched over many long years ago. My very best friend, since Grade One, in his parting statement to me, said that he just couldn’t understand transgenderism. I told him that neither could I. Luckily, my changes did not harm anyone, although some people acted like they did. But I was certainly unable to do otherwise, unless I blocked it and lived a miserable life, which I did for my first 42 years. So I can understand someone like Bell, who cannot feel otherwise. I don’t know what I would do in his place.

  5. Did he do it? Did he anger someone for him to go out like that? I’m just having a hard time thinking his subversive tone upset someone?
    Oh well. The world is full of people I don’t understand.

  6. Katherine, please.

    Darrin Bell stands accused of dealing in child pornography.
    And we have no clue in what or why or how or with who or any real information yet. Just that he was arrested and is facing charges.

    Not convicted. Accused.
    And he has pled “not guilty” according to one report.

    So, please, let’s wait and see and get as much information as we can before attempting a post mortem of his sexuality and motivation, ok?

    1. No Mark, not okay. I am giving sympathy to everyone with an unacceptable and untenable set of desires. I’m not talking only about Bell. I’m not even making any suggestions. I’m just sad that there are people on the horns of this dilemma. I have been almost on those horns myself. My father and sister and one brother all have thought that I should be executed without delay. I feel sad that the human condition, which no human has control of, should toss up such a cruel situation, in which there is no winner, and not even any good ideas. I’m not judging anyone. Okay, Mark?

      1. I’m sorry, Katherine, but being trans and being into child pornography are two entirely different things. As you said yourself, being trans doesn’t harm anyone. But if Bell is guilty of these accusations, then he’s a sick person who should be locked up because that kind of obsession does indeed harm people — namely children.

      2. I believe Mark’s point is that we don’t know at this time if Darrin is on the horns of any dilemma. What we know is that the police got a tip and found stuff on his computer and some internet accounts. We don’t know how it got there, whether by his agency or by means of a breach of his systems by a malicious action. There is no point in debating “proclivities” that we don’t even know are in play. Full Stop.

    2. Maybe he’ll try the Pete Townsend defence, “I was only doing it to research what people get into!”.

  7. Taking the chance that this won’t be misinterpreted, but I have spoken to Darrin on a few occasions and I’m a fan of the strip and all his work. Despite what is probably an overwhelming amount of evidence, I keep hoping there is some explanation for all this. Pedophilia is terrible and inexcusable, but he has plead not guilty to the charges, and he does not fit the profile (although a therapist friend reminds me that it’s a bell curve and not absolute.)

    Innocent until proven guilty has been used to excuse all manner of ills, but I feel I have to wait until Darrin makes some kind of statement.

  8. Hello, I just found your website, and am informing you that the Detroit Free Press dropped Candorville a few days ago. Any idea what will replace it after tomorrow when the last one will run?

  9. I wonder how many more Candorville Sunday strips remain pre Darrin Bell stockade.

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