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G. B. Trudeau’s Poster & Button for 2025 Saranac Lake Winter Carnival

From The Adirondack Daily Enterprise:

SARANAC LAKE — “Doonesbury” cartoonist Garry Trudeau’s button and poster designs for the 2025 Saranac Lake Winter Carnival have been revealed and are now on sale at numerous places around town.

The buttons and posters were created along this year’s Carnival theme, “Music Legends” and feature members of his comic cast rocking out. The poster shows the Doonesbury band “Tri-Lake All Stars” jamming in the back of a truck, a float in the Carnival Gala Parade.

Cartoonist G. B. Trudeau has created the Winter Carnival button design since 1981 and done the same with the related Winter Carnival posters since 2012, both featuring his Doonesbury comic strip characters.

Trudeau said the “EST. 1970” written on the side of the truck on the poster stands for the year Doonesbury first published. It marks the 55th year of his cartoon running in newspapers around the country.

“I’ve always loved signage that indicates the date of establishment. Most businesses don’t do that anymore, even though the point is to promote trust,” Trudeau wrote.

Trudeau was asked about his inspiration and process for the button and poster designs.

“It’s always the same process — I kick around a few ideas and rough sketches with my colleague George Corsillo until I settle on something a little unexpected,” Trudeau wrote. “‘Legend’ suggested some flashy send-up of Elton (John) or Taylor (Swift), but that seemed too on the money. I wanted to convey the fun of the actual parade.”

Trudeau was asked how he picked which instrument each character should play…

For those not attending the Winter Carnival:

[Buttons] are also available through mail order by sending a check payable to “Saranac Lake Winter Carnival Committee / Attention: Barb Martin / P.O. Box 566 / Saranac Lake, New York 12983.”

There is an additional cost for shipping based on the quantity of buttons ordered. One through four buttons cost $6, five through eight buttons cost $6.50 and nine or more buttons cost $8. Prices are subject to change.

Past Winter Carnival buttons are also available for $5.

In addition to current year posters, prior year unsigned posters for some years are still available for $10. To purchase a poster by mail, contact Joyce. There is an additional cost for shipping.

More information at the Saranac Lake Winter Carnival buttons and posters page. And on Facebook.

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