Editoonist Bob Castle Retires
Skip to commentsIn his 30-year career as an editorial cartoonist for the Comox Valley Record, Bob Castle has drawn them all: politicians from all levels of government, disgruntled citizens, animals and much more.

“I turned 65 last February and it’s time to turn to the next chapter,” he adds reflectively “I enjoyed every minute of it.”
Comox Valley Record reporter Erin Haluschak talks to Bob Castle as he retires after thirty years of cartooning.

He earned his degree in graphic design in the mid-80s, while working at the mill in Campbell River, where he stayed for 31 years, dabbling in art as a side gig.
“The Record was the first one to publish me,” he said. “In 1994 they started printing the odd cartoon and then in 1995 I went into the office and said ‘look, I can just pop these out as much as you want.’ So they gave me once a week then moved me to twice a week. It was 1995 when they said ‘we need a name for the cartoon’, so Under the Glacier was born.”

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