Graphic Journalism Graphic Novels International

Spiegelman and Sacco Team Up for Gaza Graphic Novel; Sacco Calls for Biden Arrest

Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novelist Art Spiegelman and comics journalist pioneer Joe Sacco are teaming up for a new graphic novel about Gaza.

Story Update: Art has clarified that he is not working on an “epic-length work” and that the size of his project has been exaggerated.

Art mentioned the collaboration during the premiere of a documentary film about his career during the DOC NYC festival. The collaboration is a natural fit for two the acclaimed storytellers. Art, a non-practicing Jew, is the author of the award winning graphic novel Maus, which explores the dangers of nationalism and extremism. Joe has published numerous comics on the topic of Gaza. His 2001 book Palestine is a collection of his comic series from 1993 to 1995. In 2009, he released Footnotes in Gaza, a journalistic graphic narrative investigating brutal killing of 275 Palestinians by Israeli forces in 1956. He’s also running a series called The War on Gaza that is published on The Comics Journal (see examples below).

While details about the duo’s graphic novel are scarce, the Art acknowledged finding a publisher in the United States might be difficult.

“I’ve never had a bigger wrestling match inside my head. My superego says, ‘You must do this if you’re going to live with yourself,’ and my id says, ‘Who wants the grief [of] being canceled by everyone on the planet?’”

In related news: Joe Sacco Calls for Biden Arrest Warrant

According to the Middle East Monitor Joe has called for an arrest warrant for President Joe Biden.

“What is happening in Gaza is a genocide, a crime against humanity in which the United States is also involved, because it provides Israel with military and diplomatic cover, and participates in the daily killing through weapons manufactured in [the US],” Sacco told Haaretz. He added that Biden should be tried alongside Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defence Minister Yoav Gallant.

Whenever the graphic novel is finally published, expect it to be a news maker.

Bob Gorrell
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Comments 3

  1. Why Sacco wants more dead Palestinians is a mystery. His vicious antisemitism is appalling, really. I saw his latest book and many facts were left out to make Jews look bad and Islamofascist look cute.

    1. For some reason, I find Sacco’s career as a reporter more convincing than a random dude claiming “many facts were left out” without having the energy to offer a aingle example.

  2. Does he really think that if only B8iden had stopped sending weapons to Israel that war would have stopped? In an election year? If he had did he also assume that Congress would have done nothing?
    Face facts. US has been backing Israel since 1948. What we have seen from the the world is that no European or American Governments really care what Israel does to Palestinians. Hasn’t Hamas and Hezbollah the Palestinian terrorist groups been shooting missiles at Israel for years while hiding in or under groups of their fellow Palestinians who would be killed when Israel responded? Haven’t those terrorist groups deliberately sacrificed their fellow Arabs just to get the world press to berate Israel for responding to those attacks?

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