Editorial cartooning

Ann Telnaes Quits The Washington Post

I’ve never had a cartoon killed because of who or what I chose to aim my pen at. Until now.

Cartoonist Ann Telnaes has ended her relationship with The Washington Post.

excerpt from the rejected cartoon that was the last straw

On Telnaes’ Open Windows Substack she goes into detail about why she HAD to do it, and presents the full cartoon that offended the powers that be. Her obligations to her readers, her journalistic standards, and her integrity would not allow Ann to continue to contribute to The Washington Post.

To be clear, there have been instances where sketches have been rejected or revisions requested, but never because of the point of view inherent in the cartoon’s commentary. That’s a game changer…and dangerous for a free press…

Hat tip

Mark Jackson

Art Spiegelman and Joe Sacco
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CSotD: Telnaes is only unemployed, not gone

Comments 15

  1. I just got her Substack about this. The WashPost is going down the tubes big time, and Bezos hasn’t enough intelligence to see what he’s doing to it.

  2. He doesn’t care what he’s doing to it as long as it contains his and his billionaire buddies narrative. Shame, think of the good you can do, how grateful you could make some people and you, yourself, would be a happier person as a result .

  3. I’m not generally a political activist whatsoever, but I did just cancel my WaPo subscription. (WaPo proudly joins the company of Fox News and One America News.

    Killing Democracy In Darkness.

    1. I too have now hit the last straw on my WaPo subscription
      Miss Manners is just not enough to hold my devotion

    2. Same here. Canceled. First the non-indorsement and now Telnaes. This has got to stop.

    3. Same here, cancelled. First the non-indorsement and now Telnaes.

  4. Tell me again about the “liberal media.”

  5. If you were thinking of leaving a comment about this at the Washington Post (you know, BEFORE you cancel your subscription), just know the editors closed all the comment sections under Ann’s cartoons.

    Of course, you’re free to leave feedback under other articles. Just sayin’

  6. This was the last straw. I just cancelled my Post subscription and subscribed to Ann Telnaes’ substack.

  7. I am so proud of this powerful statement by Ann Telnaes. We have to call out the LIES, RACISM, HATE and DIVISION we can expect from President elect TRUMP and the direction he wants to take America.

  8. God, the comment section is like societies dredges

  9. I am still a WaPo subscriber, but seeing Ann Tenales leaving the paper because Bezos nixed her cartoon is making me second guess my decision to still subscribe. I would miss the comics if I cancelled, as well as columnists like Dana Milbank. But I am now considering cancelling my WaPo subscription because of this cartoon situation. Also, I am not too crazy about the online Post’s comments section.

    At any rate, Bezos has essentially made his bed with Trump and company. If/when Trump carries out his tariff/mass deportation plans and tanks the economy as a result, Bezos will have to deal with the fallout.

    1. I cancelled my subscription when the WP didn’t endorse a candidate, not because I think endorsements actually mean anything, but because it was obvious WHY they didn’t! Doesn’t surprise me that they didn’t run a editorial comic featuring Bezos. I hope many more cancellations are coming!
      And I totally agree with you about their comments section, I much prefer comments to be regulated for civility and enhancing the conversations.

  10. When the almighty dollar dictates to an free press, it is time to pull your subscription. I cancelled mine after the editorial board was not allowed to support one of the two presidential candidates.

  11. Yeah, but did you cancel you Amazon Prime subscriptions and close your Amazon accounts? If not, you can join the company at the bottom of the statue.

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