Comic Strip of the Day Editorial cartooning

CSotD: Building an Artificial World

Let’s start with this depressing cartoon from Jonesy. It might be funny if it were some kind of exaggeration, but it functions as an editorial cartoon that, as editorial cartoons can do, elicits a grim smile of recognition.

The speed with which AI is taking over everything has made it impossible for the greater society to look it over, kick the tires and decide if they even want it.

And the fellow in the cartoon is right: It’s not just art that is having its joy and humanity sucked out.

I don’t know if you have to be a writer/editor to find it obvious, but AI prose is so stilted and derivative that it obviously was not written by an English-speaking human.

If you took the worst bodice-ripper or the most absurd porn novel and then dumbed it down about four grade levels, you’d be matching the “writing” that now appears on websites whose owners would rather plug in a machine than hire a copywriter. And that includes some very prominent, profitable sites that could afford literate text.

And it’s also music, as was heard on-line this season, where AI Christmas carols were swapped in for real music by real people. And being able to make Christmas carols more imitative and bland is quite an accomplishment.

Of course, the loss of income for copywriters, artists and musicians is troubling, but what bothers me more is that it will probably work.

God knows Sturgeon’s Law has always been true: Ninety percent of everything is crap. It may seem that classic novels emerged in a time of wonder, but if you go back and see what else was being published, you’ll see a mountain of schlock for every bright flower.

But the larger we pile the mountain, the harder it becomes for those bright flowers to peep through, particularly if the “gardeners” stop buying flowers because schlock is cheap and it sells.

Navied Mahdavian has a cartoon essay in the LA Times about introducing his daughter to the VU, which reminded me of when I introduced my son to the Beatles, except that he immediately loved them and it led to a passion for music while Mahdavian’s daughter didn’t like the early, edgy Underground but liked the music they made once they went soft.

I can’t judge that because I quit listening to them when they went soft, and the fact that you could dance to their later music may be a plus for his daughter but, well, she’s five.

What I’m afraid of is that her generation will find that you can dance to AI music, too. Then even a Velvet Underground that files off its rough edges in pursuit of acceptance will be out of luck.

Also I wonder if, when the LA Times decided to publish an essay about the Velvet Underground, their owner demanded they also publish one about the Starland Vocal Band, in the interests of balance.

It’s sad that so many people think the Andrews Sisters were the height of music in the ’40s and have never heard Artie Shaw, but it’s going to be even sadder if the next generation thinks that AI pap and the both-sides coverage of corporate papers is real journalism.

Dale Cummings (Cartoon Movement) fears the burdens put on the press, and I would assume he’s talking about Canada’s major papers, which suffer from too few owners and cuts and layoffs as we’ve seen down south as well.

I’m also concerned. As a veteran of both Lee Enterprises and Alden Capital papers, I’ve seen astonishingly blockheaded, short-term-profit-driven moves from Corporate, and I see that the Vermont Digger, an independent investigative on-line operation, reports that the last AP reporter has now left the state.

But let’s not throw in the towel: Vermont is home to Seven Days, a well-respected altie that has been around for nearly 30 years, while VTDigger itself is only half that age but has a circulation of 650,000.

Vermont also has four commercial TV stations (sharing coverage with Northern New York and New Hampshire) as well as Vermont Public, a combined NPR/PBS outlet.

Not bad for the 49th state in the country by population, though granted it’s also third in the percent of people with a bachelor’s degree (44.44%). Smart people demand smart news.

Maybe that’s why Dear Leader wants to dissolve the Dept of Education or head it up with a profit-focused nitwit who lied about her own educational attainment.

Linda McMahon explains that she couldn’t remember what she majored in. She must have been quite the student.

Even Trump remembers that he got a business degree, and he doesn’t know how tariffs work, though Jeff Stahler (AMS) is pointing towards a dead end, because having people who understand wine try to explain anything to America’s leading Diet Coke freak will only make him more stubborn in his prideful ignorance.

And Lee Judge (KFS) points out that Dear Leader also believes in crypto, which is one of many Trump stances that raise the question of whether he is pulling a con or is really that foolish?

So far, the attempt to create a Goldfingeresque project to convert crypto into gold has been stalled, but it hasn’t been uprooted entirely. OTOH, you can bet that, if it goes through, the people who will profit will not be the Joe Six-Paks who’ve been induced to invest in pretend money.

They’ll be the pigeons standing on the sidewalk with an envelope full of dollar-sized newspaper clippings.

And here’s the thing about pigeon drops and Nigerian princes and empty promises to reduce grocery prices and goofy proposals to absorb other nation’s territories, as mocked by Bill Day: They persist because they work.

And while Dave Grandlund can mock the ambitious would-be dictator, Napoleon was only considered a monster outside his own nation. To the French, he was a hero.

The question is, how many of Dear Leader’s supporters are True Believers and how many can be peeled off?

As Dave Whamond points out, there are already gaps emerging among the MAGAt leadership, and with quarrels brewing and an effective one-seat House majority, the best approach may be to sit back and see what chaos ensues between now and the midterms.

With, perhaps, a little shaking of the ants in that jar:

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Comments 14

  1. You really need to warn us when a link is to a bad video no one my age wants to hear.

    Oh, and StarLAND Vocal Band — thought I had it wrong all these years.

    1. Apparently I’d only partially blocked them from my memory. Thx. Fixed.

      BTW, the other nominee was Tony Orlando and Dawn. Carry that earworm for awhile!

    2. I think one of the Starland Vocal Band (Taffy something?) sang Country Roads with John Denver. Useless Facts (maybe) are Us.

  2. Piffle to Artie Shaw. Benny Goodman’s was the #1 “Big Band” of the day, although almost any Black swing band was better than anything on the planet, including Beethoven.

    1. Speaking up for Beethoven: He invented ragtime in the second movement of his piano sonata #32; and thanks to Jon Batiste, boogie woogie in his Waldstein sonata.

  3. I’m back! Fifty-first state, my ass! Canada is much, much bigger than the USA, which I would nominate for the 11th province . . . except, I suggest it would be a toxic and disgusting territory with which to dilute our far more intelligent and sophisticated national culture. Maybe Mexico would be willing to shoulder that embarrassment. Well. maybe Belarus.

    1. In terms of landmass, Canada is about the same size as the US, if only slightly smaller.

      The commonly used Mercator Projection used for world maps greatly distorts landmasses near the poles, so Canada, Greenland, and Russia are nowhere as large as commonly perceived.

      1. AJ, you are wrong when it comes to US/Canada comparative size.

        Here are the details:
        Canada occupies a total area of about 3,855,100 sq. miles making it the second biggest nation in the world (after Russia).
        The United States occupies an area of approximately 3,796,742 sq miles.
        Canada has a longer coastline than the United States. Canada has the longest shoreline in the world which is over 151,019 miles long.
        This makes Canada about 1.6% larger than the United States in terms of land area. However, it’s important to note that land area is just one aspect to consider when comparing the two countries. Canada surpasses the USA in terms of sheer size, with a difference of around 57,915 square miles.

        It is also noteworthy that Canada has way more moose than the U.S. And also more beavers and more elk. And more Canadians.

  4. Social media was already pretty bad, but it’s become nearly unusable with the glut of brainless AI-generated content and images.

    I didn’t think you could get a worse SOE than Betsy DeVos, but then nobody out-Trumps Trump quite like Trump.

  5. As a kid I liked Artie Shaw, and still do, but once I heard Louie Jordan is was Katie bar the door (I was born in 61).

  6. I was listening to a Burns and Allen radio show on MP3 a few years back. I went to skip the musical number as is my wont on old radio comedy shows, but the first few notes stopped me. I had to hear the number through. I’d missed the opening credits but it was the year that Shaw did their show. I’m with you on Shaw, Mike.

  7. Shaw or Goodman is kind of a matter of taste. I prefer Shaw but like both, and Goodman’s ability to weave klezmer with jazz is freaking brilliant. His Carnegie Hall concert is the best recording of that era and most others. But Shaw is more heady, a bridge between Goodman and the intellectual jazz of Duke Ellington, who is the favorite of a lot of other people. Mostly I envy my folks, who were college kids clubbing in Boston in the early ’40s and got to hear everybody.

    Except the Andrews Sisters, of course.

  8. Even if the Menace did manage to absorb Canada into the USA, wouldn’t it be the 51st through 60th states?

    1. I am sure that it would be only one state, so it would have only two senators in Congress. “We” wouldn’t want to upset that balance of power, ya know.

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