Editorial cartooning International

How Political Cartoonists Saw Winston Churchill

London’s Imperial War Museum opened an exhibit examining how political cartoonist around the world.

From Smithsonian Magazine’s website:

The free exhibition features 24 original cartoons that span Churchill’s entire career in the public eye, from his early days as a politician—the oldest cartoon on display is from 1909—to his two terms as prime minister in the 1940s and 1950s. A number of contemporary cartoons that compare Churchill to modern-day politicians are also on display.

While the exhibit features 24 cartoons, I could only find the names of four of the cartoonists: Leslie Illingworth, David Low, Ernest “EH” Shepard and Conrado Massaguer.

Ernest EH” Shepard – Dragon Slayer cartoon
Conrado Massaguer

Exhibit runs through February 23, 2025.

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Comments 2

  1. The thing about Churchill is that he was easy to caricature, unlike, say, JFK or French President Macron. He was like Nixon in that way, either at the center of things or lurking in the background.

    His second premiership was a waste of time.

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