Christmas Tales & Phantom Rings and other comic strip things
Skip to commentsWith the syndicates no longer distributing annual Christmas specials, we must rely on the regular comic strips for a Joyeus Noel, and a few have started this past week. We already noted Sally Forth, but Breaking Cat News also began a Pawmark Christmas movie this week which brings to mind those old NEA Christmas strips. Also Rosebuds has a seasonal storyline starting, we’ll see if it goes on until Christmas Day.
The Crabgrass kids got an early start with a mid-November jump on their Christmas story. The missing Santa, when he finally shows up, is not all that jolly – though definitely a good guy.
Other comic strips that may or may not involve a weeks long story with a Christmastide theme are FurBabies, Crankshaft, and Drabble. That last may be more a series of related gags more than an actual story.
I am wondering if Ces will turn the current Judge Parker drama into a family reuniting in the spirit of the season.
Outstanding! (I say what I mean and I mean what I say.)
I have to second Mike’s applause for this week’s adaptation of Jabberwocky by Liniers in Macanudo!
Somewhat related is Skip and Mike leaving reality and entering a fantasy world that includes comic strip characters; this is happening in Intelligent Life for the last few weeks (it’s a thrice weekly strip). Today they are in Bangalla.
However Mr. Walker isn’t home at the moment.
Presently The Phantom is in England visiting a rather strange pub called The Skull and Jaw where all the patrons seem to have been “skullmarked” by our 21st version, or maybe by his father.
Fantasical synchronicity.
In what has to be the farthest stretch from reality both Over the Hedge and Prickly City this week have comical-type characters being nominated for positions to the cabinet of a president-elect.
A Peek into the Private Life of an Old Man (to paraphrase Brian Fies, or maybe Harold Gray).
I love cinnamon. I love cinnamon rolls. I love Cinnamon Life. I love Cinnamon Chex. I love Frosted Flakes.
Who would guess that when Frosted Flakes came out with a cinnamon version it would be gawdawful?
I am just like Orville (“the old one”) in The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee.
The Daily Cartoonist’s occasional public service action provides the Thimble Theater for July 5 July 4, 1930.
The missing strip was actually the E. C. Segar comic from July 4, 1930 (see comment below).
Bob Ingersoll
D. D. Degg (admin)