Daily Cartoonist

Introducing Our New Theme

A couple months ago we asked you how we could improve The Daily Cartoonist. We added your suggestions to our To-Do list and today we are debuting a new theme that should resolve some of the most chronic pain points of our site.

Things we focused on:

  • Faster web site loading time.
  • Pages should no longer jump around.
  • Improved mobile, tablet, desktop layout.
  • Dark and Light mode for all the hip people.
  • Replies to comment are more clearly laid out as replies.
  • Added all the social media sites we update at the top of the site.

There’s a couple more enhancements in the works, but feel free to provide feedback in the comments. We built this theme ourselves so we were no longer beholden to a third-party and we could be more responsive to our reader’s suggestions.

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Leafing Through the News with Miss Cellany
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CSotD: Truth and Humor and Sometimes Both

Comments 12

  1. I miss the number of comments in the article header. I tend to revisit, to see what others are saying. Without that number, I will have to reread every article every time.

    Still, at first blush, the new theme looks good.

    1. Good feedback. In the meantime, at the top of the article/post you’ll note the author, date, and comment count. I made that comment count clickable a link to the comment section so you can jump bypassing the article.

      1. I like that click-to-comments feature

      2. Thank you for adding the number of comments, as a clickable link, to the main page listings. 🙂

  2. Are the sample comics you post legible now? Or do I still need a magnifying glass to read them?

    1. Single images are the size we post them. Gallery Image (usually displayed in a grid) can be clicked and *should* be magnified, but I noticed that feature wasn’t working here on the public site like it is on our testing site. It’s on my list of things to remedy.

  3. I think “recent posts” is a much better feature than “related stories”, and I would favor dropping the latter item entirely, or at least move it all the way to the bottom. For the all the posts I’ve seen in the new format, there wasn’t anything relevant in those allegedly “related” items.

  4. You have crippled those of that use an RSS reader – I use Feedly, and would see full articles in my Feedly feed. Now I just just get the first paragraph or so.

  5. Thank you, I think the new design looks very nice.

  6. Phooey; you were doing fine, Mr. Peterson; it’s insightful comments that matter not silly formats.

  7. I have no idea how to remove the ad banner, but I’ve learned to live with part of the page obscured on the bottom.
    Now, however, there’s also an ad banner across the top — and ads flashing along the side.
    What’s a person to do?

  8. Clicking on a hyperlink in a comment used to open in a new tab; they now seem to be opening in the current tab, taking the user away from your site.

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