The Alphabeticomical Sunday Funnies
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I like the slow creep of the color into the Sunday Funny partnered with the script. Of course it is no longer applicable since B & C dailies are in color; even in their “home’ paper now – though this may have been written and drawn before The Washington Post went color for the dailies ten weeks ago.
Big Nate; with a side of Calvin and Hobbes

Assuming those are twelve math problems Nate proves he could have done them if only he hadn’t got sidetracked; whereas Calvin just lucks into the answer – and doesn’t get sent to the Principal’s office.

Comics frequently remind me of songs. Today Georgia Dunn’s opening starts me on a Journey.
“She’s just a small town girl living in a lonely world…”

“Here we go.” Tauhid Bondia gave me my laugh(s) for the day, and everyone so in character.

I’m not particularly happy when an ongoing Dick Tracy story gets interrupted by a Minit Mysteries. Especially upsetting is a guest writer story getting broken up by a Minit Mysteries rerun. I can only surmise that Eric was called late to fill in and the dreaded deadline doom finally caught up with him and Charles.

Okay, this isn’t an original for today either but tomorrow is the 100th anniversary of Jack Davis‘s birth and I thought we would show the three daily Flash Gordon strips from 1952 (October 2-4) that he gets credit for drawing (over Harvey Kurtzman layouts and scripts). Hey, three tiers equals a Sunday right?

Well three tiers equal a Sunday page unless you’re Nancy Beiman who reconfigured her Sundays down to the more commonplace these days two tiers two weeks ago. She noted the new format in comments to her fans.

I couldn’t resist setting that beautiful opening panel as this entry’s feature image. That bucolic scene is quickly disrupt by chaos and action which all turns out to be unreal reality.

Maybe assembling the Mullets book took more time than Steve McGarry had planned. Anyway son Luke McGarry stepped in to contribute the art for today’s KidTown and the one a fortnight ago. Or maybe they will be drawing alternate Sundays from now on?

Liniers has a habit of bringing up wonderful, happy childhood memories and happy thoughts.
Mike du Jour and Nancy

Nancy followed Mike du Jour in my GoComics feed today and, boy, what a sizable difference!

Nancy followed Mike du Jour because Moderately Confused is daily only and Monty was one of several that did not update at GoComics today (and a few others between Mike and Nancy come up elsewhere in my feed). While some of those tardy comics have shown up you’d think a syndicated strip would take precedence.

While I agree with the sentiments about early darkness and, like Crabgrass, both Phoebe and Marigold are so in character and the gag works, but this is more akin to my JumpStart comment – that first panel is impressive! I like the last panel too.

Shoe lost its Sunday color at Comics Kingdom today and it still looks great. Colorized is at GoComics.
Working Daze

Malcolm Bridgewater’s Working Daze History (Revised and Expanded Edition) began six months ago on June 9, 2024 and has now ended today December 1, 2024 with Chapter Twenty-Six. The first printing ran for twenty-one chapters from September 22, 2013 to February 9, 2014. Scott Roberts (aka Malcolm Bridgewater) has added five chapters to the original History of Working Daze.
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