Awards Editorial cartooning International

David Rowe Wins 10th Cartoonist of the Year Award

David Rowe, editorial cartoonist for the Australian Financial Review, has been voted Cartoonist of the Year by his fellow members of the Australian Cartoonists Association. This is David’s 10th Gold Stanley. He was also awarded his 13th Bronze Stanley for Caricaturist and second for Editorial/Political Cartoonist.

David Rowe 2024
David Rowe 2024

In other categories, Edmund Iffland received a Bronze Stanley for Animation Cartoonist. Dean Rankine won a Bronze Stanley for Book Illustrator and tied with Paul Mason for Comic Book Artist. Ian Jones (Bushy Tales) took the Comic Strip Cartoonist award, while Steve Panozzo won for Event Cartoonist. Judy Nadin claimed the Illustrator category, and Judy Horacek earned a Bronze Stanley for Single Gag cartoonist.

Additionally, The Jim Russell Award (Silver Stanley) for Outstanding Contribution to Australian Cartooning was awarded to Nat Karmichael for his devotion to the craft and in particular comic book genres. Arthur Mailey, Unk White and Gary Clark were inducted into the Australian Cartooning Hall of Fame.

Finalists for the Gold Stanley were Paul Harvey, Mark Knight, Judy Nadin, David Pope and Cathy Wilcox.

Awards were announced at this year’s 40th Annual Stanleys Conference and Awards. The event coincided with Museum of Australian Democracy’s Behind The Lines exhibition where Megan Herbert was declared Cartoonist Of The Year.

Edit: Updated to correct Golden Stanley count from 6 to 10.

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Comments 6

  1. Okay, what’s Rowe’s one on the lower right about? I know that I’m not quite up on Ozzie politics, but what’s the Mogen David for?

      1. Not clear whether you feel he’s in support of political statements at concerts or in support of Garrett objecting to them. I generally steer clear of cartoons so local in nature as to confuse American readers, and that’s true not only of foreign work but very local American work.

  2. it is the 10th gold stanley to be accurate.

    1. Corrected. Thank you for letting me know. Congratulations.

  3. Mike Peterson. Thank you for introducing me to David Rowe

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