Comic strips

Monday Monday Can’t Trust That Day

Garfield gives us a laugh to start the week, and we’re probably going to need it as family gathers later on.

Carol Lay and Lay Lines starts me off on a bit of a rant about people who watch “if it bleeds it leads” television and then write letters to the editor about what a terrible place it is where they live, but never seem to come across it personally. Not that bad things don’t happen, they always have, but geez it is not as common as some TV would have you believe.

While the conservative Teitelbaum Brothers, who tilt their Bottom Liners panel to the Fox News/Real America’s Voice/Newsmax viewers, make fun of “fake news,” are among those who refuse to click on MSNBC/CNN/The Young Turks and other opposing viewpoints. Making them part of the makeup of those “low information voters” who seldom hear the whole story.

For example…

Lalo Alcaraz has it about right in today’s La Cucaracha. Fox News viewers know next to nothing of the salacious details of Gaetz and Hegseth’s private lives or Gabbard’s public praise for authoritarian figures. While watching the channel the other day I was looking forward to a discussion about the serious international implications of Trump’s foreign policy when the “news anchor” began quoting Joe Rogan! I turned the channel.

One more and then we’re done with politics on the daily comics page..

Is Mike Lester advocating a minimum living wage for those in the service industry in today’s Mike du Jour?

Much as it pains me I have to agree with the snarkers in the comments: I no longer know what is happening in Gil Thorp. Joseph Nebus’ next Gil Thorp summary can’t come around soon enough for me.

Puns have become a popular gag among many cartoonists but many of them seem forced. That isn’t a problem with a few of them – Dark Side of the Horse being a shining example of them coming naturally.

Monty had been dealing with a case of the hiccups all last week. Today’s Monty gave me the laugh of the day.


Kitchen Capers and Shoe and homonyms.

Admittedly not the synchronicity of last Friday’s Judge Parker and Mary Worth.

Also from last week:

Elmo is a kindergartener??!! I always took the Blondie neighborhood kid to be a few grades above that.

As long as we are at Comics Kingdom…

Those Vintage strips have some fine artists – George McManus, Alex Raymond, Stan Drake, early Mort Walker and Dik Browne, Ted Shearer, George Herriman, and others. But the look I’m enjoying most lately are those early Tigers by Bud Blake.

Back to GoComics … and politics.

Everyone who has a different opinion than I do is/has been on the wrong side of the Pearls Before Swine scale.

But it ain’t no big thing; as we noted a couple days ago and Wiley reiterated in today’s Non Sequitur

Jim Borgman/Cincinnati Enquirer
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  1. Hands are naught but naked puppets.

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