Cartoonist News – Clearing the Queues
Skip to commentsJim Borgman Winter cartoons, Michael Maslin profiles Linda Finck and Ed Steed, Selected 2025 Free Comic Book Comic Strip Comics, Hearst Magazines and Peanuts, Charles M. Schulz house for sale, WEBTOON $1 Million Comic Strip Contest, and a Sandra Boynton Christmas.
A collection of Jim Borgman snow cartoons
Prepare yourselves. Winter weather has arrived in Cincinnati [and across the nation]. Avoid the cold and cozy up to our collection of Jim Borgman cartoons in the gallery.
The Cincinnati Enquirer present almost a dozen Jim Borgman cold climate cartoons.

What It Means To Be A New Yorker Cartoonist
My guess is that not a year has gone by—not even a month in a year—without someone somewhere saying that the [New Yorker] cartoons “aren’t as funny as they used to be.” If we’re lucky, that will continue as long as there’s a New Yorker. Change at the magazine means that the idea of what’s funny changes. In 2025, cartoonists should not be trying to mimic cartoons that tickled funny bones in 1925—they should be capturing the humor of the present.
Michael Maslin Profiles the Work and Creative Processes of Cartoonists Liana Finck and Ed Steed via Literary Hub.

Excerpted from At Wit’s End: Cartoonists of the New Yorker. Copyright © 2024. Photographs by Alen MacWeeney and profiles and introduction by Michael Maslin. Cartoons by Liana Finck and Ed Steed. Published by Clarkson Potter.
Full Line-Up of FCBD 2025 Comic Books Announced!
The Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) Retailer Selection Committee has selected forty-six comic book titles for the industry’s most anticipated annual event to take place on Saturday, May 3 [2025], at participating comic shops worldwide.
Free Comic Book Day presents the complete listing of all forty-six FCBD titles for 2025.
Below are a few comic strip related titles and a couple others of interest.

For more FCBD news and updates, visit Find a Comic Book Shop near you.
Hearst Magazines Hit By Layoffs
Layoffs have hit Hearst Magazines, as the publisher said it is reallocating resources amid changes in the industry.
Hearst Magazines is home to more than 25 brands in the U.S. including Elle, Esquire, Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar, Town & Country and more. The exact size and departments impacted were not immediately disclosed.

“After a thorough review of our business, we’ve decided to reallocate resources to better support our goals and continue our focus on digital innovation while strengthening our best in class print products. We will scale back in areas that do not support our core strategy and will eliminate certain positions as we reimagine our team structures to drive long-term growth,” Debi Chirichella, president of Hearst Magazines, said in a memo to employees.
A box of squares
This May, Fantagraphics is collecting the various small square Peanuts books they’ve published into a new box set, Peanuts All Year Round Mini Collection.
Nat Gertler brings news of a new Peanuts collection from Fantagraphics’ most profitable license.

This includes:
- A Valentine for Charlie Brown — Valentine’s Day and romance strips
- Batter-Up Charlie Brown! — baseball strips
- Waiting for the Great Pumpkin — Halloween strips
- Snoopy’s Thanksgiving — Thanksgiving strips (yes, I know you could figure that out.)
- Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking — reprints two stories that had appeared in women’s magazines in the 1960s, and hadn’t been reprinted since until the original edition of this (which I compiled) came out. Since then, the stories have wound up in Complete Peanuts 26… but I still think it’s a pretty cool little book.
Hearst Magazines and Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking
That last listed in the above item, Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking appeared as a sixteen page insert in Hearst’s December 1963 issue of Good Housekeeping magazine.

The square book has edited the original to fit the new dimensions, altering the original vertical look.

As presented in The Complete Peanuts 26 the story kept its original dimensions though diminished in size.
Still more Charles M. Schulz…
Former Bay Area home of Peanuts creator Charles M. Schulz listed for $3.25 million
A midcentury modern home designed by Charles M. Schulz, the creator of the Peanuts comic strip, has hit the market for $3.25 million.
The home of Charles M. Schulz when he was drawing that Good Housekeeping insert is now for sale.
The home was built in 1960 as a split-level design, with his wife playing a pivotal role in its creation. She oversaw the construction of the home and the development of the grounds, which featured a tennis court, swimming pool, baseball diamond, stables and a miniature golf course for the Schulz children.

The original 28 acre property is being sold piecemeal.
In 1972, the property was divided into three parcels, and last year, the building Schulz used as his private studio was sold for $3.95 million.
WEBTOON global comic talent contest in 2025, offering $1 million dollars in prizes
WEBTOON Entertainment Inc., home to some of the world’s largest storytelling platforms, is on the hunt for the next wave of visionary webcomic creators with “Webcomic Legends,” a new contest with over USD $1 million in prizes. The contest will highlight emerging talent on WEBTOON’s CANVAS platform, rewarding 40 outstanding webcomics with cash prizes and the opportunity to join the WEBTOON Originals program.

Launching in March 2025, creators from around the world can submit to “Webcomic Legends” on WEBTOON’s English language CANVAS platform.
Future legends can submit stories across four genre categories: Most Epic (Action/Fantasy); Most Feels (Romance/Drama); Most Laughs (Comedy/Slice of Life); andMost Gripping(Horror/Thriller/Mystery/Supernatural). Entries will be evaluated by a combination of scoring from a panel of expert judges, including WEBTOON’s in-house editorial team and select WEBTOON Originals creators, and audience appeal and engagement.
Cartoonist-songwriter Sandra Boynton and her wild new Christmas album
If you hate most Christmas albums because they are boring, pretentious, or in poor taste, then you might like the CD located at the back of Boynton’s book.
Author, cartoonist, and songwriter Sandra Boynton will appear at the Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center on Saturday, December 19, to talk about her new book and CD “Cows and Holly,” which she created in partnership with her longtime music collaborator Michael Ford. WAMC’s Joe Donahue will talk with Boynton about the project’s genesis and development.

Hear author, cartoonist, and songwriter Sandra Boynton explain her obsession with cows at the Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center on Saturday, December 19, at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 for general admission or $25 for general admission and a signed album/book. More information and tickets are available here.
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