World’s Cartoonists React to Trump Win
Skip to commentsAs Americans were waking up to the news of a second Trump administration, cartoonists in earlier time zones were already inking and coloring their feelings about our election.
Let’s start with Badiucao, a Chinese cartoonist living in Australia. He gave us two cartoons. The first from yesterday is entitled, “Pray for Trump” and today’s cartoon, “Victory for Dictators“. While Trump might be the winner in the US, his win extends to our nation’s most notable enemy dictators.

Guy Venables (UK) also notes the Trump win is a Putin win.
No cartoonist I’ve found seems to think the election result is a benefit to anyone other than the worst leaders of the world. Michel Cambon (France) goes as far as placing Trump in history of worst leaders while Emad Hajjaj (Jordan) indicates his influence will be felt worldwide.

Given Trump’s reputation for sexual harassment, and the Dodd decision making women’s rights a core campaign issue, it’s not a surprise both Stellina Chen (Taiwan) and Emanuele Del Rosso (Netherland) used the sexual assault metaphor to depict a coming assault on America.

Following that theme, Pierick Degomme (France) successfully combines the idea of the vulnerability of US women with the brave Iranian student who walked through her university campus in her underwear to protest the country’s strict dress code. I don’t think Pierick is buying Trump’s claim that he’ll protect women if they want it or not.
To borrow from Mike’s Comic Strip of the Day Juxtaposition of the Day feature, I’ll note the optimism of Mike Luckovich’s (US) cartoon of women shedding The Handmaid’s Tale garb published before the election with Lecttr’s (Belgium) depiction that America has now become a handmaid.

Both Steve Bright, (Scotland) and Mohammad Sabaaneh (Palestine) take the “re-run” approach. Steve uses The Shining horror movie metaphor while Mohammad invokes imagery of a zombie.
And finally, if there is any levity in the international cartoonist’s response, it comes from Royston Robertson (UK) who kindly gives all cartoonists a color pallet for the next four years.
Note: feature image by Dave Brown (UK)
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