Audio/Visual: Barry Blitt and Dave Coverly
Skip to commentsArmed with watercolors and a “passive-aggressive” sense of humor, the New Yorker cover illustrator finds the funny, even in ugly times.

The New Yorker’s YouTube channel presents a wonderfully entertaining, self-effacing, humorous interview with “cartoonist and illustrator” Barry Blitt. Some of the best seven minutes you’ll spend today!
Cartoonist Dave Coverly talks about the creative process of working in comic strip form, as well as the genesis of his work on Speed Bump.

Jason DeHart of Words, Pictures, & Images provides a charming tutorial on cartooning by talking to cartoonist Dave Coverly who describes his early infatuation with drawing, his turn toward single-panel cartoons, the life-controlling daily deadlines, his choice of great cartoons vs. the public’s, the occasional reason for cliché situations, the origins of Speed Bump, generating ideas (which he compares to a famous Sid Harris cartoon) and getting them across to the readers, and more in a 25 minute interview.
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