Unexpected Expectations
Skip to commentsFor the penultimate Fort Knox Sunday comic strip cartoonist Paul Jon Boscacci told us, “I have a special collaboration with Marvel/Pixar/Disney artist, Norman Felchle, on the upcoming November 3rd Sunday.”
Norman Felchle does the Memorial Day Fort Knox Sunday page, but not the Veteran’s Day Sunday.

So I assumed that the “special collaboration” would be a Felchle Veteran’s Day page, just a bit early.

On the subject of tributes…

Ever since Skeezix was old enough to walk through the fields Walt has escorted him through the Autumn colors. A Sunday Gasoline Alley tradition that Frank King began in 1923 and continued through the years and King’s successors. But it has been a while since Jim Scancarelli did The Fall Stroll. So Terry Beatty has picked up the mantle with his Rex Morgan, M.D.

Great expectations.
While we’re at Comics Kingdom … I had no idea where Guillermo Saldaña was headed with this Palurdeando series earlier this week but was curious.

Apparently it was headed nowhere.
Guest stars.

It’s pretty clear who the billionaire Ian Mollusk and the built-in-his-own-image biomechanoid is meant to be in the current dailies of The Phantom, but is that someone we should know bonding Stella and Ed in Mary Worth?

Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz?
Lost in the Woods. I understand the color differences in the daily strips as syndicate “bullpens” make the color choices there, but I thought the cartoonists, especially on the creator-owned comics, decided the coloring for the Sunday pages. So why the difference between Comics Kingdom and GoComics in Jeff MacNelly’s Shoe today?

I do however give GoComics credit for posting the correct Broom-Hilda strip for today and without the, what I take are, color coding dots all over. And why is Comics Kingdom posting a Sunday strip from last year? Oops.

For thee, not for me:

You bested me Joe Wos. I ain’t even gonna try get through that Dagwood Sandwich in your MazeToons.

I have to think that Jules Rivera has been checking in with some nutcase sites. Why else would she imply that someone could even think about doing away with the vital NOAA in today’s Mark Trail? Why, why that would be like thinking of putting some vaccine conspiracy theorist in charge of the Food and Drug Administration.
Bill Whitehead and his Free Range on what could have, should have, been except for those dang editors.

It was the world’s loss.
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