Dia de la Redondeo
Skip to commentsWith Steve Breen, Wayno, Glenn Fleishman, Ruben Bolling, Paul Robinson, and Jimmy Johnson.
By Appointment Only – A migrant family waits for the chance of safety in the United States.

At inewsource Sofía Mejías-Pascoe reports on a family seeking safety; in a sidebar Steve Breen illustrates it.
Apparently Mike Peterson entered the high bids on the better part of the Christine Farrell comic book auction.

Fine Books & Collections report that Christine Farrell’s DC Comics Collection Sold for $5.26m.
2025 Wall Calendars
Wayno’s Substack informed us of Bizarro 2025 wall calendars now available from the Comics Kingdom shop.

Wayno sez:
Apologies for the commercial content. These doo-dads do help your cartoonists stay afloat, and we wouldn’t hype them if we didn’t think you’d enjoy them.
Another Update:

Glenn Fleishman’s How Comic Were Made has reached the lower forty-eight.
After days of suffering through posts from Canada that they had theirs, here in Central California we got ours!
Ruben Bolling’s Boing Boing columns

Ruben Bolling’s columns at Boing Boing are not limited to posting Tom the Dancing Bug pages and reviews of comics, he also writes of NYC jaywalking decriminalized (done so in my little town last year) and that bizarre World Series scene of Yankee fans ripping a foul ball catch from a Dodger outfielder. Ruben supplies the rules about fan interference in Major League Baseball including this little nugget:
No interference shall be allowed when a fielder reaches over a fence, railing, rope or into a stand to catch a ball. He does so at his own risk. However, should a spectator reach out on the playing field side of such fence, railing or rope, and plainly prevent the fielder from catching the ball, then the batsman should be called out for the spectator’s interference.
[Emphasis supplied.]
The Last Etta Kett Was 50 Years ago.

Etta Kett by Paul Robinson ran from December 7, 1925 to, well, the last I find is November 2, 1974. Though Allan Holtz says there was a November 3, 1974 Sunday strip, and a week of dailies in the King Features archives that was never released to newspapers. Cartoonist Paul Robinson had died on September 21, 1974.
Feature Image from today’s Arlo and Janis

Which gives us the opportunity to remind Jimmy Johnson fans that he has reactivated his blog.
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