de Adder: Substack-Yes, Patreon-No
Skip to commentsEditorial Cartoonist Michael de Adder is bailing on Patreon and putting all his efforts into Substack.

I started Patreon and Substack not knowing anything about either. My wish was to do both. But Substack took off and the number of paid subscribers on Patreon is not sustainable. I would like to put all my effort into Substack.
MIchael appreciates his Patreon supporters and they have the opportunity to switch to his Substack.

I appreciate all paid and free subscribers here and how you have supported me in the past year.
All paid subscribers get 1 year free on Substack to make up for your loses. If you choose to cancel after that free year, by all means do. But if you decide to become a paid subscriber after your free year, I will greatly appreciate it.
You can cancel your Patreon subscription immediately. I think it’s effortless.
Michael’s Patreon (for now). Check out Michael’s Substack.
Michael is good at exposing the clowns in governments above and below the 49th parallel and around the world.

How about any of you others that may have both Patreon and Substack accounts – any preference?
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