Olivia Returns & Other Comic Strip Data

Olivia Jaimes returned to the Nancy comic strip today after taking a sabbatical. While gone Olivia got (bribed? coerced?) other people to create Nancy comics in her absence. Following are the credits for the Summer of 2024.

Olivia Jaimes April 9, 2018* – June 22, 2024 (*Sundays May 6, 2018 – June 16, 2024)

Leigh Tuna June 23, 2024 – July 7, 2024

Shaenon K. Garrity July 8, 2024 – July 21, 2024

Caroline Cash July 22, 2024 – August 11, 2024

Megan McKay August 12, 2024 – September 1, 2024 (with SHEN August 19, 2024 – August 25, 2024)

Olivia Jaimes September 2, 2024 – on

The Summer of 2024 also saw some alternative gag men guest writing Barney & Clyde for the Weingartens and LaBadie. Which may be an ongoing practice as yesterday saw a sub writing the strip. Following are the guest spots.

Mark Leibert: July 22, 2024

Mark Raffman: July 24, 2024; July 28, 2024 (with LaBadie); September 1, 2024

Leif Picoult: July 26, 2024; July 29, 2024; August 21, 2024

Duncan Stevens: August 3, 2024

Sam Mertens: August 25, 2024

Why doesn’t anyone tell me these things!!??

It seem Shrimp & Grits dailies went into rerun status eight months ago! The last new daily was November 25, 2023 (above). With the November 27, 2023 installment reruns began and continue to this day. Sundays continued and remain all new by Andy Marlette.

On the other end of the spectrum is Mutts. Though Patrick McDonnell returned in June as promised it hasn’t been a consistent return. After the late June return where he gave us a week of new strips it has been spotty ever since.

New 2024 Mutts comic strips (to date) ran on June 23, 2024 – June 29, 2024; July 1, 2024; July 15, 2024; July 21, 2024; August 19, 2024; September 1, 2024; and September 5, 2024. Only a baker’s dozen of new strips this year. All the new strips feature Sparky the Guard Dog except the June 28, 2024 issue.

EDIT Add these dates previous to McDonnell’s June return from his sabbatical: February 14, 2024; March 15, 2024; April 26, 2024; May 6, 2024; May 27, 2024. (h/t Charles Brubaker – see comments)

More Mutts in a couple of days.

The feature image comes from Sandra Bell-Lundy’s Between Friends and deals with my Shrimp & Grits note – though when you see a woman, even a post-menopausal woman, make that statement what’s the first thing that crosses your mind?

5 thoughts on “Olivia Returns & Other Comic Strip Data

  1. I was thrilled to visit God comics today and find that as anticipated, Olivia Jaimes made her return to Nancy for the traditional Labor Day installment.

    1. Thanks Charles, added to the list of new Mutts for 2024. Didn’t think to check the dates when McDonnell was on sabbatical.

  2. As has been noted before, all of the guest authors for “Barney & Clyde” were winning (or at least “inking” entries) in the “Invitational”, which has been converted into an exclusively online feature: Thursdays on Gene Weingarten’s Substack page; see geneweingarten.substack.com

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