International Interviews

Interviewed: Bob Moran on life as a controversial cartoonist

Bob Moran
Screenshot of Bob Moran interviewed by UK Column

The UK Column has posted a 90-minute video interview with Bob Moran, former political cartoonist for the Daily Telegraph. Bob is a libertarian cartoonist who took a strong position against Covid restrictions in Britain and was eventually fired from the Telegraph for tweets calling for his followers to verbal abuse a British NHS doctor.

From the UK Column:

In this wide-ranging interview, we discuss his time in the corporate media, accusations of anti-semitism, divisions amongst dissident groups, the war narrative, immigration and what needs to be done to correct the wrongs of today’s political elites. 

Bob is releasing a new book of his cartoons of the last four years.

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Comments 1

  1. Bob’s both an excellent artist and an incisive political commentator in the tradition of Hogarth and Gillray. The mainstream British media were glued to a uniform pro-lockdown, pro-vaccine narrative during the Covid crisis, with few (often zero) dissenting voices allowed on their platforms. For those unwilling to simply kneel before the British Government’s arbitrary, draconian and frequently contradictory regulations, Bob’s cartoons offered a rare assurance they weren’t alone.

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