Man Overboard is Back – Heaven Help Us
Skip to commentsMan Martin, author and cartoonist, has made a name for himself as one of the great illustrators of the human condition as it concerns how we treat one another – with a specialty in Biblical foibles, though he certainly doesn’t confine himself to that.

A few months ago cartoonist Man Martin, a TDC favorite, informed us that was taking some time off to get a jump on a new project he had in mind. Said Man:
I’ve decided to take a two and a half month hiatus from April 12 to July 1 … When the strip reemerges, it will begin an ongoing humorous graphic novel based on The Book of Genesis. I’m very excited about this new project and think it will be a lot of fun.
Well, Man missed that July 1st comeback by a month, but now he is back!
As Man tells us on his Facebook page:
Here is the debut cartoon for my graphic novel, Heaven help Us. Story continues on Wednesday.

Some background about Man and Abraham:
I’ve signed up to teach Sunday School at my church – the first grade class. Ah, the little darlings. I don’t do it all on my own; there are two other teachers and we work in rotation. Also, an older boy, Thomas is his name, is there to assist.
Anyway, the very first lesson I taught covered Abraham’s journey to Canaan up to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. It’s a very interesting story in many respects. Of course, the verses selected by the diocese or whoever selects these things left out all the most salacious stuff. For example, as Abraham is traveling around with his wife Sarah, whenever some potentate asks, “Is that your wife?” Abraham always comes back with, “Wife? Heck no. She’s just my sister.” And then Abraham sits outside the tent or city gates, twiddling his thumbs, while Sarah and the potentate get better acquainted inside. Then Abraham and Sarah go to the next city over where the same thing happens. Better, I suppose, then saying, “Heck yes, this is my wife! Hands off, buddy!” and getting whacked by the potentate’s henchmen, but not the sort of thing you can explain to a bunch of six-year-olds…

You can follow Heaven Help Us by Man Martin at his blog website or on Facebook.
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