Craig Marks – 40 Years With The Leader
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AKRON — Leader Publications editorial cartoonist Craig Marks Aug. 8 celebrated his 40th anniversary creating cartoons for the West Side Leader and the South Side News Leader.
Forty years ago, Marks was drawing the comic strip, “Zippy” for The University of Akron Buchtelite.
“On a whim, I visited the West Side Leader offices in Fairlawn after the paper’s first issue to see if they would like a strip,” said Marks.
None was needed, said Mary Maxson, one of the paper’s founders, but said they could use weekly editorial cartoons.
“I’ve been drawing them ever since, and it’s still a thrill and an honor to chronicle the story of Akron and the surrounding communities.” has a five year Craig Marks cartoon archive. Compilations of Craig’s cartoons are also available.

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