POW-litical Comics

Some editoons and editoonists not yet mentioned here.

In Australia, where the Murdoch News Empire originated, cartoonist Mark David notes a worldwide situation involving partisan tv, newspapers, radio, blogs, etc., as a whole, not necessarily any one entity.

Though it is followed by a few cartoons involving a specific world famous narcissist.

One would think the above Non Sequitur is in no way political … one would think.

A letter to the editor of The Republican American:

For years, I have been painfully aware of the strong political views of “Wiley,” the author of the “Non-Sequitur” comic strip. But July [18 17th] he really crossed the line with his depiction of a man who wanted to push the buttons for “Ready,” “Aim,” and (presumably) “Fire” less than a week after the attempted assassination…

from Barney Google by Billy De Beck

Of course daily comic strip deadlines puts this drawn weeks before the shooting of Trump.

Speaking of comic strips…

Randall Enos borrows a famous comic strip character and adapts him to a current politician.

art credit: Peter Poplaski

If a picture is worth a thousand words, in the world of political cartoons, a sketch can be worth a thousand pictures.

The Museum of Wisconsin Art is presenting “Pow-litical Comics: From Ripon to the RNC,” an exhibition of political cartoons that reflects the 2024 presidential election and the contemporary moment in U.S. politics.

Scott De Laruelle of The Stoughton Courier Hub reviews the “exhibit, which ran from April into June at St. Kate – The Arts Hotel in Milwaukee, located downtown near the epicenter of the recent Republican National Convention. It featured 40 political cartoons by artists with Wisconsin ties, including two with links to Stoughton – Bill Amundson and Gary Nauman.”

[Adjunct curator of comics at the Museum of Wisconsin Art, Jim] Danky gave two gallery talks and also attended a particularly popular one with New Yorker staff cartoonist Paul Noth. He said the general mood was a very positive one, despite the often contentious air around politics, particularly these days.

credit: Paul Noth

Pow-litical Comics: From Ripon to the RNC exhibition will travel to Ripon College in Ripon, Wisconsin, the site in 1854 where abolitionists formed the Republican Party. It quickly became national, but the Party of Lincoln’s roots are in Wisconsin. September 6–October 4, 2024

If you know, you know.

I love this R.J. Matson cartoon that shifts his profession onto Donald Trump!

One thought on “POW-litical Comics

  1. Would the piles of paper behind him be Trump’s Dump?


    I’ll see myself out now…

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