2024 EPPY™ Awards – Call For Entries

Editor & Publisher will open the window to submit entries to their annual EPPY™ Awards on August 1, 2024.

The EPPY™ Awards include two Editorial/Political Cartoon divisions.

Some frequently asked questions and information about the rules:

The EPPY™ Awards are open to all media and media-affiliated websites.

Entries for 2024 will begin on August 1st, 2024 with the deadline for entry on Friday, September 13, 2024. Editor & Publisher reserves the exclusive right to extend the entry deadline. Entries received after the entry deadline will not be accepted.

Entry Fee: The 2024 (non-refundable) entry fee will be: $325. Each submission after that is $300 when entered at the same time.

Eligibility: The competition is open to organizations and media companies that operate Internet services on the World Wide Web … For 2023, entries must have been available on the web from  July  1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. Entries that contain original reporting and/or content, etc., must have first appeared (debuted) on your website at any time during that period. Entries must be submitted via the EPPY™ Awards website.

Division – more than or fewer than 1 million visitors: The division you enter is determined by the viewership generated by the homepage of your media company’s main home page and not by how many users have downloaded your app or viewed your sports entry, etc.

First place winners within the United States of America, will receive one crystal award per winning entry.

This is fourth year that the EPPY™ Awards have included the editorial cartoons division.

2023 results:

2022 results:

2021 results:

2 thoughts on “2024 EPPY™ Awards – Call For Entries

  1. An entry fee of $325 is gouging, especially when most cartoonists are barely getting by. I’m very interested in how many cartoonists will enter this contest.

    1. The winners are selected from a very small pool of people so stupid and desperate for attention to pay such a ridiculous entry fee in the hopes of getting an award that no one ever heard of before, much less give any credence to. I’m guessing it’s judged by a Nigerian prince.

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