E.S. Glenn: New Yorker to Comics Kingdom
Skip to commentsE. S. (Everett Samuel) Glenn is a comic creator and a New Yorker cartoonist, and soon he will be a regular presence on Comics Kingdom with his New Tricks, subtitled Remixed New Yorker Cartoon Rejects.

From the Comics Kingdom New Tricks “about” page:
E. S. Glenn spent many years in New York, deeply embedded in the underground and indie comic scenes, where he passionately sold his unique comics. His talent and distinctive style eventually led him to become a semi-regular cartoonist for The New Yorker Magazine, where his work gained widespread recognition. Throughout his career, Glenn amassed an impressive collection of visually striking cartoons that didn’t make it to publication. Now, exclusively on Comics Kingdom, he is reviving these hidden gems, giving them a fresh lease on life and sharing them with a broader audience.
It seems the cartoons coming to Comics Kingdom didn’t get the Emma Allen “OK” for The New Yorker magazine and will (with maybe a little reworking?) be shown here instead of just sitting in a drawer.
According to Michael Maslin E.S. Glenn first appeared in the September 14, 2020 issue of The New Yorker and his latest was for the recent July 29, 2024 issue. IF he submitted about ten cartoons a month to the magazine that would be a catalog of over 400 cartoons available to Comics Kingdom over the past four years.
And how many before he got his first sale?

The Condé Nast store does have E.S. Glenn cartoons available that did pass muster and made it into the magazine.
The New Tricks page just came up today and is basically just a place holder so far.
It is not known when the cartoons will start appearing (soon) or how often per week,
but it is on the Comics Kingdom features page and can be added to your “favorites” now.
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