Monday and Sunday Funnies
Skip to commentsThe news of the day is Caroline Cash beginning her turn on the Nancy comic strip.

For whatever reason my first thought on seeing the first panel was The Captain and the Kids by late Rudy-John Dirks and/or The Katzenjammer Kids by late H. H. Knerr-Doc Winner.

Again, I don’t know why. It’s inexplicable.
This morning I was reading the comics while eating my apple strudel breakfast and I came across Graham Nolan‘s Monday only Sunshine State, where in the middle panels some Chuck Dixon noted a preference for cherry pies (yuck).

I haven’t been keeping track but …

Dondi‘s name keeps coming up on The Funny Pages. Sunday’s The Fusco Brothers is the latest example.
Speaking of children, Nancy Beiman gets a very good Sunday FurBabies page from Aleks Berg.
Today’s FurBabies comic was written by 10 year old Aleks Berg, who will be 11 years old on August 3. He graciously gave me permission to use the story in the comic. I think that it’s just as good as Kipling’s JUST SO STORIES, without the ‘thees’ and ‘thous’. I did a bit of editing, but all of the text is by Aleks.

Good Timing considering the weeks-long lead time.
Bottom Liners and Mallard Fillmore both get in some Biden digs just in time.

For you youngsters that didn’t get the Bloom County connection to Dave Whamond‘s editorial cartoon in Mike Peterson’s Comic Strip of the Day column earlier today…

Think it is once more time to ask my occasional question of Tribune Content Agency:

When are they going to add Jonny Hawkins‘ Zoolies to their comics homepage?
The San Diego Comic-Con is this week and both the Gil Thorp and the Mutts crews will be there.

As will their authors Henry Barajas and Patrick McDonnell.

And a final note that Jeffrey Lindenblatt is back with his Paper Trends for the year 2001 this week.
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