Comic strips

Comic Strips From The Week That Just Was

I think we already mentioned that Tim Rickard is celebrating 20 years since Brewster Rockit, Space Guy debuted. Also the The Comics Curmudgeon’s Josh Furshlugginer(sp?) began blogging that same July 20 years ago.

So, moving on…

Greg Cravens again impresses us with his white outline against a black background in The Buckets.

Y’know how Miss Buxley shows up every Wednesday in Beetle Bailey?

It seems pastry chef Maya is beginning to do the same in Blondie.

Wednesday June 26; Wednesday July 3; Wednesday July 10; Wednesday July 17.

Before we turn the page on Beetle Bailey…

Shouldn’t The Walker Bros. separate similar jokes by a day or a week?

Today’s Beetle Bailey and today’s Hi and Lois.

So is the new Alley Oop superheroine StoneOoola (Ooolahenge?) modeled after Curt Swan?

Remember how those old magazine -sized coloring books would tell a story as you colored the pages?

Well Hermes Press is bringing back the coloring books without the story.

Imagine if they had hired The Phantom writer Tony DePaul to write a story for the coloring book.

It would be 800 rather than 80 pages!

Arlo and Janis goes meta. It’s a shame Jimmy Johnson has yet to win a Silver Reuben for best comic strip.

While Stephan Pastis plugs Timmy Failure in his Pearls Before Swine.

Wallace the Brave shows limits to a mother’s love for her child.

Comic strips that never were, but now are.

Of the many characters created and produced by Hanna and Barbera and the production team only Yogi Bear and the Flintstones made it to newspaper pages as comic strips.

….in honor of bill hanna and joe barbera starting hanna-barbera productions 67 years ago today I am proud to premiere a new feature here on scottj’s retro cartoons….a series of fantasy comic strips in chronological order showcasing the work of the hanna-barbera studio that I’ve drawn just for fun….the fantasy strip I’ve posted here is a preview of the first wave of what you’ll be seeing in the following months…beginning with ruff and reddy (1957) through season 2 of the huckleberry hound show (1960)….I hope you enjoy these as much as I’ve enjoyed drawing them….

Cartoonist and animator Scott Jerolds has begun to create Sunday pages for other H-B characters.

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Comments 2

  1. That’s a great cover for the Phantom coloring book.

    1. It is. It’s a homage to Norman Rockwell’s self portrait.

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