GoComics Will Disable Political Cartoon Commenting Beginning July 17, 2024
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GoComics has posted a notice toward the top of all the editorial cartoon pages (highlighted in orange) that, due to their outdated AI monitoring tools being unable to control the divisive commenting on their platform, for the remainder of this election year commenting will be disabled for political cartoons on their site.

As of July 17, 2024, GocComics will no longer offer commenting on political cartoons. Our goal is to foster an engaged, thoughtful community. However, maintaining a respectful environment has become increasingly difficult given the divisive nature of certain topics and the tendencies of some to provoke controversy as the 2024 election approaches.
On top of this, GoComics uses an outdated commenting tool that lacks the capability to effectively moderate the comments and ensure compliance with the site’s commenting policy.
Given these circumstances, we’ve made the difficult decision to remove commenting from political cartoons. This is likely not a permanent measure—we hope to reinstate comments in 2025 with an improved commenting platform.
We appreciate your understanding as we work to uphold the integrity of the GoComics community.

The comment ban apparently does not apply to comic strips with a political edge. as Scott Stantis editorials meet the description but his Prickly City does not. Notice the orange notice above one and not the other.

The same standard applies to Mike Lester’s editoons but not Mike Lester’s Mike du Jour comic strip.
(Though Mike du Jour is not tinted with political commentary as much as Prickly City.)
Looks like the mostly political Sunday Doonesbury will be exempt from the comment ban.
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