Luann Guest Artist: Jay Fosgitt

Who better to draw an imaginary tale of Shannon being a “good little girl” than a guy who makes a troll fun?

© Jay P. Fosgitt

After the first panel, drawn by creator Greg Evans, of today’s Luann comic strip Jay Fosgitt takes on drawing the Luann dailies for two weeks (Greg And Karen Evans remain as the writers of the sequence) as Toni imagines what her brattish, high-strung niece would have been like if she and Brad had raised her.

Jay, at his Threads and Facebook feeds, has noted his guest stint on Luann:

My twelve-episode run as guest artist on Greg Evans’ LUANN comic strip starts today! Greg and his daughter Karen wrote the strips, and Greg drew the opening panel of today’s strip!

Other than Jay’s homepage more background on the cartoonist can be had at LinkedIn and Amazon.

11 thoughts on “Luann Guest Artist: Jay Fosgitt

  1. Jay is there for the two week fictional What If tale.
    Greg art and the non-fiction Luann storyline returns July 8.

  2. NO Thank you!! The new characters don’t even look remotely like the original ones. They look like cutsy little dwarfs. I get it that Greg is tired of drawing hundreds of strips BUT — Can’t you get AI or something to draw it to look more like your originals????
    Please don’t keep this going.

  3. I understand the disappointment with the change in art styles, but…
    the disparagement of Jay Fosgitt is way off base and uncalled for since it is a short arc, and is part of Greg and Karen’s idea to show a different look at the characters in an imaginary tale.

    When Greg and Karen decided on a Toni daydream sequence and then have a guest artist draw it my reaction was that it was a clever and original move. Yes, Jay’s art style is different but that was part of the plan. Jay’s art is pleasing to the eye and he has a clean line without cluttering up the panels – perfect for today’s newspapers that print comic strips in postage stamp size.

    C’mon, it is a two week temporary gig. The negative reactions have been over the top, especially considering it was your favorite cartoonists’ idea.

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