Roz Chast Awarded the First Thurber Prize for American Humor in Cartoon Art
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Last year, Michael and I were instrumental in helping to establish the Thurber Prize for American Cartoon Art, partnering with Thurber House to pay tribute to the wonderful cartoons by James Thurber and celebrate the tradition of single panel cartoons.
This year, we are thrilled to announce that the Cartoon Art prize was given to the wonderful Roz Chast! Michael and I were honored to be the ones who handed out the award to her, after which she delivered a very funny acceptance speech and thank you.
The prize goes to someone who, like James Thurber, has shared her world view with unique drawings and masterfully written words. And tons of humor. Congrats, Roz!!

Roz Chast, had previously been a finalist for The Thurber Prize for American Humor
(as had cartoonist/reporter Liza Donnelly).
Liza has full reports and more photos from last night’s award presentation.
Next day update:
Michael Maslin writes of the ceremony and the hours leading up to the honor.
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