Sunday Stripping
Skip to commentsLet’s start with three huzzahs to Comics Kingdom for including the title panels with the Sunday comics!

We sincerely hope this isn’t a one-time occurrence.
Now GoComics it’s time for you to do the same.
But it is not all hugs and kisses for The Kingdom.
The black background continues to irritate, and Friday’s The Phantom is an example of why it should be tossed.

The first panel wasn’t real bad, but the second panel lettering merging with the black border is intolerable. Checking the “buy a print of this comic” show a much more pleasing look.

It is just one more needless thing that cartoonists are going to have to make allowances for.
More: Wednesday’s The Phantom shows the mishegoss of chopping up strips for the portable (phone) readers.

Where’s that first gutter?
Also: I am again having to sign in every day to read the King comics. 🙁
While we’re backtracking to Wednesday…
Katie begins her visit to the zoo in FurBabies, with Nancy Beiman paying tribute to a famed animal cartoonist.

NOT paying tribute to famed Dick Tracy creator Chester Gould is Charles Ettinger‘s portrayal of a new(?) character.

I realize they have been moving away from Gould’s angular style since Joe Staton took over the art, but the soft curves of this new(?) character is a violation of the Dick Tracy design. YMMV.
By the way, as seen in the credits above the new story that started last Sunday is by, who now seems to be the regular, guest writer Eric Costello. We hadn’t noted that until now.
LOL of the Week. Still on Wednesday is The Flying McCoys panel by Gary McCoy.

The Reader’s Digest Condensed Version
of the Sunday is what struck me about Thursday’s Mark Trail by Jules Rivera.

Or maybe a reprise of a Good Earth Almanac comic.

Eric Reaves continues to impress with his ability to mimic the style of other cartoonists in Friday’s Hi and Lois. (Though I have noticed some deviations from Dik Browne‘s art lately.)

Saturday’s Fort Knox worries me.

That’s an awful lot of goodbyes on Major Knox’s shirt!
As is the custom Paul Jon turns the Memorial Day Sunday Fort Knox over to Norman Felchle.

This time honoring the men who landed on the beaches of France 80 years ago. Men who, for all they knew, were re-enacting the fatal Charge of the Light Brigade of a century earlier. “Theirs but to do and die.”
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