Miss Cellany’s Suite

Terry Mosher (Aislin) receives the Michener-Baxter Award

From the Michener Awards Foundation:

OTTAWA, May 21, 2024 – The Michener Awards Foundation (MAF) today announced it is awarding Chantal Hébert and Terry Mosher its prestigious Michener-Baxter Award for exceptional service to Canadian public service journalism.

The Montreal Gazette rightfully brags of the honor bestowed on their cartoonist. (also read here)

Terry Mosher [link added] and freelance political columnist Chantal Hébert are only the 12th and 13th recipients of the Michener-Baxter Award since its inception in 1983.

About the award:

The Michener-Baxter Award for Exceptional Service to Canadian Journalism honours outstanding contributions to the cause of public interest journalism in Canada, by an individual who has been a working journalist … This award is intended to celebrate a consistent body of achievement that produced positive impacts on the world of journalism and benefited Canadian society in general.


Win $500 And A Gig As A Regular Civil Beat Political Cartoonist

Honolulu Civil Beat:

Some scholars say Benjamin Franklin published the first American political cartoon in 1754…

So here’s your chance to create political commentary that could be just as enduring. Civil Beat is hosting a contest for aspiring editorial cartoonists here in the islands as a way to give emerging artists a platform to contribute to the community conversation on issues that are important here.

The rules are simple: Send us your best [original] work — up to three pieces per cartoonist — and our Sunshine Editorial Board will select first, second and third place winners. We’ll pay $500 for first place, $300 for second and $100 for third. We’ll publish some of them in a story about the contest winners, so by entering you’re giving your permission to do so.

The deadline is June 5, 2024 and editor Patti Epler notes:

we’re hoping this leads to a stable of regular cartoonists who will contribute frequently. We’ll pay you a freelance fee for those, of course.


The Anatomy of an Overworked Piece of Art

You know how when you look at one word over and over, it starts to take on a different meaning? Or rather, it starts to weirdly not look right? Obsessing and overthinking a caricature can do the same thing. If you don’t move on and give that part a rest, it’ll morph into something other than what was intended.

Ed Steckley discusses cartoonists overthinking a piece of artwork.

I look up, see it’s 3am and finally go to bed, whatever I was working on can appear fine in that blurry moment, but in reality it’d become the 2D equivalent of an overworked ball of clay that has lost all form and meaning.


Canada Post has issued a set of stamps heralding a quartet of cartoonists.

From Canada Post:

Among Canada’s most talented and influential graphic novelists, Chester Brown, Michel Rabagliati, Seth, and Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki deftly interweave words and illustrations in their award-winning works.

These stamps – featuring an acclaimed novel by each author – show the main characters engrossed in their own stories through original illustrations created by the novelists themselves.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation highlights two of the cartoonists.

25 years as an illustrator, Quebecer and his comic honoured with Canada Post stamp

Over two decades ago, Michel Rabagliati first introduced his close friends and family to Paul — a teenage boy growing up in Montreal in the 1970s.

Paul was Rabagliati’s creation: a comic that illustrated childhood, first loves, his first apartment and even divorce.

The tender snapshots of daily life packed with cultural references and rich details of Quebec resulted in Rabagliati being chosen as one of the illustrators featured in a new set of four stamps released by Canada Post this month.

Guelph cartoonist Seth ‘flabbergasted’ to be included in new stamp series

Seth, who made his name with the award-winning Palookaville comic series, lives in Guelph, Ont., and spoke with Craig Norris, host of CBC Kitchener-Waterloo’s The Morning Edition, about his career and what it’s like to have been chosen to be on a stamp.

The audio of the interview is at the bottom of this article.


A Chat with Cartoonist Bob Eckstein: Create Memories by Exploring Museums  

Visiting museums with family and friends is not only an educational experience but an opportunity for adventure and connection, according to Bob Eckstein, whose latest book, “Footnotes from the World’s Most Fascinating Museums” [link added] takes readers on an illustrated and fanciful journey to discover 100 stories and memorable moments from 75 museums.

Lisa B. Samalonis for Next Avenue talks to Bob Eckstein about creating his new book.

“The book with 150 original pieces of artwork is my love letter to museums. I hope it conveys some of the same exhilaration I feel each time I am in these museums and convinces you to visit them yourself,” says Eckstein, who is an award-winning illustrator, writer and cartoonist for The New Yorker, New York Times, Smithsonian Magazine, and others. He is also the author of “Footnotes from The World’s Greatest Bookstores”


You Can’t Tell a Magazine By Its Title

John Kelly is no dummy (in the pejorative sense). But his new magazine is titled dummy. And that leads me to wonder whether this smart guy—”I have been a writer/editor for many years, including my time at jobs at Sarah Lawrence College, Columbia University, the National Basketball Association and other places”—knows something we don’t. I mean, PRINT magazine is no longer printed. But dummy, a magazine about comics in the broad sense, is only in print.

Stephen Heller talks to John Kelly about reinventing the comics fanzine.

When I showed the SVA students my mockup fake Pee-wee zine cover, I said, “If I come back here next year to do this class again, I’ll bring an actual printed copy of this.” I had intended to make just one copy, for myself. But I wanted to send a copy to Gary Panter and the rest of the artists in the story. So, maybe 10 copies. I mocked up a copy, printed it out at home and the Pittsburgh cartoonist Frank Santoro ran off a couple more copies on his color copy machine. I thought I was done…
