Comic strips Interviews

Dan Schkade Discusses Flash Gordon

Pencil to Pencil hosted a set with new Flash Gordon comic strip cartoonist Dan Schkade.

As seen on the screen grab above Dan Schkade joins Mike (Judge Parker/The Phantom) Manley, Steve (The Middle Ages) Conley, and Jamar Nicholas to discuss Dan’s career in general and his Flash Gordon in particular.

Dan and Mike talk about the behind-the-scenes minutia of being a syndicate cartoonist.

While there are degrees of high or low principles in the characters Dan sees Flash as “unambiguously good.”

Dan differentiates between the dailies and Sundays, with Sundays being more of an emotional take.

The daily and Sunday Flash Gordon leaves no time at the moment for other projects.

Dan gives a shout out to Emmett H. Graham his pencil assistant on Flash Gordon.

And, of course, so much more.


Watch Pencil to Pencil the Dan Schkade episode.

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